3 Things About Rust Maps Every Gamer Must Know

Survival games are always a hot topic among the gaming community. There are very few games that have a lasting impact on the player’s mind, and one such is the Rust game. The Rust has successfully garnered millions of enthusiasts thanks to the honest brutality of survival games it portrays. The primitive survival gaming experience can leave anyone in shock and awe.

One more good thing about the Rust game is its maps. Rust maps are diverse and rich in biomes like wildlife, plants, trees, water bodies, monuments, and whatnot. These biomes are not just for visuals; they can also impact your in-game health. Every rookie gamer has to understand the maps before they can go on to become a pro. If you want to be a pro in the Rust game, you must know these three exciting things about the maps in the Rust Game.

1. There are four types of Maps in Rust.

Before starting the game, you have to choose from various maps under the servers. Therefore you must know about different types of maps n the Rust:

Barren Maps:

As the name suggests, barren maps consist of barren landscapes like deserts with no rocks, trees, or any other natural element. They are very minimal and offer a gameplay experience in the purest form. You can interact and collect only the essential things on the maps. As there are very few features, biomes, and elements in the maps, barren maps are much faster to load than any other maps. They also get rendered faster as you move in the game. Barren maps are perfect for players who love to have the best PvP gaming experience.

Procedural maps:

Procedural maps are the mainstream maps used by the Rust players. When the player chooses a random seed, the seed starts generating maps with various game elements at random locations. The elements like biomes, monuments, trees, and roads are placed at random locations. As the elements are rendered random at different locations, each procedural map in Rust is different and unique. It makes the gameplay very challenging and exciting.

Custom maps

When you complete a map once, it can be boring to play the same map again. Therefore many gamers install custom maps. The map designers and the gamer community use their creative freedom to make these maps more challenging and unique.

Premade maps

Premade maps already exist in the game. There are two premade maps in the Rust- Hapis Island and Savas Island. Unlike procedural maps, premade have fixed elements with fixed locations that you cannot change. Premade maps are helpful for beginner gamers as they can eventually learn it multiple tries. The locations of the premade maps do not change even if you change the server.

2. There are three types of Rust Biomes

Biomes are the natural elements present in the Rust maps that add to the visual diversity of the maps. Here are some of the biomes present in the maps are:


Temperate is the most common biome in the Rust, and it is where you start the game naked with a rock and a torch. Most players spawn in temperate as it has abundant resources like trees, hemp plants, minerals, and rocks that can help you create tools and weapons to survive and hunt. Temperate has a moderate climate- not too cold and not too hot, which makes it a perfect biome for new players who aren’t yet familiar with the effect of climate on the health of the character.


Deserts are the perfect biomes to find oil barrels and loot boxes. You also see various wildlife that you don’t see in other biomes.


The snow biome is no different than a barren map. There is nothing except some trees. You can find metal in abundance, but make sure you have warm clothes and a campfire to keep you warm while you search for the metal.

3. There are secret ways to use the maps to your advantage

The basic logic for all the maps is the same. You can see the different elements on the map by pressing the G key while playing the game. You can observe elements like roads, biomes, monuments, and rivers on the map. There is one more thing that every Rust gamer must keep in mind. All the maps in Rust are islands. That means they are surrounded by water, and you cannot escape the maps. So the best place to respawn is the beach. You have to use the resources present on the island to survive and face the wild.

To make the gameplay and navigating easier, the maps in Rut have a grid overlay feature. The grid overlay divides the maps into matrices, and each box is named with a unique combination of letters and numbers. You can use these grid locations to locate the other players and elements in the game precisely. You can also deactivate the grid overlay feature from the setting.

Your knowledge and familiarity with the maps help you survive in the wilderness and win the game. The unique elements like rivers, monuments, and landscapes give you plenty of chances to raid, build, explore and loot the resources. Knowing in and out of the maps will help quickly discover these resources.

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