3 tricks to improve the speed of your SSD: the second interests you

The computer hard drive it has become one of the main bottlenecks of the PC. If we have a slow disk, or a poorly optimized SSD, no matter how powerful the rest of the hardware is, we will not be able to make the PC work fast and well. That is why, if we are noticing that our PC is running slower than it should, despite having an SSD or NVMe, it is still time to optimize its operation so that it can work at full capacity. And, for this, we are going to leave you 4 tricks that you must apply yes or yes on your PC.

Turn off defragmentation

Surely, if we have been using a computer for many years, one of the tasks that will sound the most familiar to us, and that we will surely even continue to carry out, is defragmentation. Defragment it is a process by which each of the fragments of the hard disk are ordered so that the data is followed and the hard disk can access it more quickly. This made sense on classic hard drives, but on SSDs it’s not only pointless, it’s even dangerous.

The life of SSDs is based on the number of writes each of the drive cells have. And, since a defragmentation rewrites virtually all the data on the disk, we are losing many life cycles. Windows automatically detects when we have an SSD installed, and instead of defragmenting it, what it does is “optimize” it. But once again, this is totally unnecessary.

To prevent it from doing so, we will have to search Windows for the “Optimize drives” tool, and deactivate the automatic optimization task that the PC does.

Install this update on Windows 11

If we already have the new Windows 11 installed, we should know that the operating system has come with a bug that makes solid-state storage drives work much slower than they should.

To solve this problem, what we must do is install an update that Microsoft has released specifically for this purpose. Of course, we must bear in mind that this update is optional, so we will only have to install it if we have performance problems with the SSDs (and, in addition, we will have to do it manually).

The patch in question is the KB5007262, and we can find it directly at this link. We download it, install it and, after restarting the PC, we can already notice how the SSD literally flies.

Turn on Windows fast startup

The windows quick start is a function, introduced in Windows 10, that what it does is, instead of completely shutting down the PC, it dumps part of the kernel to the SSD so that, when we restart the PC, instead of loading everything from scratch, reloads the dumped copy, managing to reduce the startup time to less than 5 seconds.

In general, this option is usually activated by default on all PCs, but if we do not have it activated, we can find it within the power options.

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