5 programming myths that are not true

Today many users seriously consider enter the world of programming of software thanks to the facilities that we have. However, we must bear in mind that it is not a simple or fast path, at least if we want to obtain convincing results. But at the same time we must discard some myths that have become very popular over the years and that are not entirely true.

Among the advantages that we find at this time compared to a few years ago, is the huge amount of help that we can find focused on development. We are talking about different platforms and applications that greatly facilitate this type of work. At the same time we can draw on all kinds of sources, courses, videos and documentation that will help us. All this that we are commenting on can be extended both for novice programmers and for the most experienced ones.

But all those who want to start learning programming right now should discard some myths that they have probably heard. It is for all this that in these lines we are going to talk about some of these statements related to programming that are not entirely true. In addition, we must bear in mind that this is a software sector that is growing by leaps and bounds and has a multitude of job opportunities. In turn, you can also learn programming as a personal challenge or to train in a really interesting environment.

Here the most important thing is to be clear about where we want to go in software development, to which we must add patience and desire.

Programming statements that are not true

  • A college degree is required: Perhaps a few years ago, when the use of the Internet was not as widespread as it is now, to learn programming it was almost essential to go to an educational center. But things have changed a lot in this regard and today we can enter this software sector without having prior training or studies.
  • You have to be an expert in math and calculus: This is another of the myths that has been spreading over time. However, we must bear in mind that we do not need to be experts in calculation or mathematics in general to start programming software. It is true that as we advance and specialize, mathematical knowledge will help us in all of this. In addition, it will help us to refine our projects, but it is not essential.
  • He hardly has professional opportunities: We would have made this statement a few years ago, perhaps it would have been true, to a certain extent. However, today and thanks to technological advances we can enter a multitude of environments and types of use related to applications development. But as we mentioned before, the interesting thing is to be clear about where we want to go to focus on a certain type of software programming.
  • It is impossible for you to learn programming alone: absolutely uncertain. Thanks to all the sources and help that we have on the internet at the moment, we can start programming by ourselves. Of course, here plays a fundamental role the patience and the time we dedicate to all of it.
  • you have to be very smart: everything related to the world of application programming has always been presented as something extremely complex. But thanks to the last programming languages ​​and platforms available, this is something that has been simplified quite a bit. With this, what we want to tell you is that you do not need to be a privileged intellectual to start developing your own projects.

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