6 tricks to buy the iPhone 14 on the first day

There are barely a few weeks left for Apple to present the new iPhone 14, and as usual, that same week will also be the time for all users who want to reserve the model they want to purchase and have it ready on launch day. Now, to achieve this you have to take into account the tricks that we leave you in this post.

Don’t be without an iPhone on launch day

One of the days marked on the calendar for many users is the day of iPhone reservations, since all those who want to have it and enjoy it on the day of its launch, have to be quick to get the model they want as soon as possible. Now, to achieve this you have to take into account a series of aspects that we tell you below.

  • Be careful with the limit of your card. The first thing you have to make sure is that you have enough money to make the reservation, since Apple will usually charge you the amount of your new iPhone at the time. However, once you have this under control, you have to make sure what the limit is that you have established on your card, so that, if you need it, you can contact your bank to extend it.
  • Set the payment method. We continue talking about the payment of the device, and so that at the moment of doing it everything happens as quickly as possible, our recommendation is that you configure the payment method in advance, in this way you will not have to waste time in this step and that way you will go Too much faster. Our recommendation is to use Apple Pay, as it is the safest and fastest payment method to use in these cases.

  • Choose the model in advance. Since Apple presents the new iPhone until reservations are opened, it usually takes between 3 and 4 days, more than enough time for each user to calmly choose which model they want. In this way, at the time of booking you will not have to be thinking about whether to choose one color or another, or its capacity. The ideal is to be clear, as soon as possible, which iPhone is the one you want to reserve.
  • Put the iPhone you want in favorites. Within the Apple Store app as well as on the web, when you log in with your account you can establish favorite devices, well, once you are clear about which iPhone model you are going to reserve, put it in favorites, since in this way in At the time of making the reservation you will not have to choose the model, color and storage again, but you will only have to go to the favorites tab, select your new iPhone and proceed to payment.

  • Use the Apple app and website. At the time reservations open, with many users from all over the world who are waiting and anxious to be able to secure their iPhone for launch day, it is therefore advisable that you have both the Apple application at hand Store like Apple’s own website. Reservations are usually opened earlier in the app, since most users try to access through the website.
  • connect on time. Last but not least, if you really want to have the iPhone on the first day, it is vital that you make the reservation at the same time that Apple opens them, or failing that, within a few minutes of this happening. , since after a short time the delivery and collection times are usually extended to several weeks.

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