AI-Da, a robot capable of painting with its own hands thanks to AI

Humanoid robots are a form of technology that has been the subject of science fiction for more than 50 years. In 2019, a robot was created that not only has the shape of a human being, but also its creative capacity. Since her birth she has been considered an artist: Al-Da.

Its creator, Aidan Meller, has recently carried out a demonstration of its artificial intelligence in order to put Al-Da to the test. However, the experiment has turned out to be a disappointment for many people since it turned off in the middle of a painting, proving that robots are not perfect, but how does Al-Da work?

This is how Al-Da works

AI-Da is one of the first robots to have integrated artificial intelligence into its operation. It is a humanoid robot with the ability to see an image, process it and draw it. It does not generate images, but draws on a physical medium, such as paper.

This is a great advance for the world of artificial intelligences, which have not yet been integrated into applications for real development. AI-Da is the instrument through which your system interacts with the physical environment.

Also Al-Da is able to speak and has glasses just like humans. These are used to detect any type of image that is required to be drawn. Its processors are programmed with machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms, which allow it to detect patterns in the paintings. And it even has arms whose operation resembles that of a printer.

The criticism of professionals towards AI-Da

This innovative idea has been put to the test countless times. However, he has made mistakes in one of the most important demonstrations of his career. What has given rise to some criticism from professionals in the computer world.

On the other hand, artists have also expressed mistrust. AI-Da could be a threat to people who have studied for years to be able to have their own style as plastic artists. So it would not be necessary to hire a person, when a simple program can do the same job in less time.

Al-Da has suffered from the snubs of the most critical of artificial intelligence, who accuse it of acting as a simple plagiarism. In general, it takes an image, processes it and, through the use of its algorithms, modifies it to find what is being asked of it. All the information is taken from the Internet, from artist profiles. Programs like Dall-E just process them, take some references and send the final image to the user.

AI-Da has received countless interviews throughout her career. In one of her most recent, she was asked the difference between what she does and what the human being generates. AI-Da has replied that what makes her special is the lack of a conscience. Since she manages to emulate human emotions through algorithms and programs.

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