All the secrets of the side button of the iPhone

One of the rumors that has shaken the most in recent months about the iPhone 15 is the redesign of the side button of the iPhone, also known as power or lock button, and that it is an essential feature in all iPhone models. Although we all know its main function, this little button performs multitude of functions that you may find useful in your daily use of the iPhone. Let’s see some of the unknown features:

generic functions

Surely you know many of the generic or well-known functions, but, if you are a user who is new on iphoneit will be very good for you to know the generic functions like advanced features.

  • Apple Pay on the lock screen: if you use Apple Pay, you can quickly access it from the lock screen by double-tapping the side button.
  • Activate Siri: to activate Siri from the side button, you simply have to press and hold the side button for Apple’s virtual assistant, Apple’s intelligent assistant. You can ask for anything and our beloved Siri will offer it to you.

  • Forced Restart: If you have a problem with your iPhone, either because it has been stuck or has lost fluidity, you can use the side button together with the volume buttons to perform a force restart.
  • Screenshot: To take a screenshot, you have to press the side button together with the volume button in a sustained manner. Immediately afterwards, you will see a transition of how said capture is produced.

advanced features

Next, we are going to see some advanced functions and what they are little known for many users. When you meet him, you will begin to value different this very interesting button for Apple.

  • DFU Mode and Emergency SOS: the side button of the iPhone is essential to enter recovery mode or DFU (Device Firmware Update) mode. This can be very useful if you are experiencing serious problems with your iPhone and need to restore it through iTunes.
  • SOS emergency: to activate this option, you have to perform a sustained press on the side button and one of the volume buttons. The emergency SOS function will then start, allowing you to call the emergency services.

  • Shortcuts to accessibility: Apple on its iPhone includes numerous accessibility features and best of all, you can access it directly. For this, you have to go to the accessibility settings of your iPhone and from the side button, you can activate certain accessibility shortcuts. For example, you can configure it so that pressing it three times activates VoiceOver, zoom, switch control, etc.
  • Disable Face ID authentication temporarily:If for any reason you want to disable the Face ID feature, you can do so by quickly pressing the side button five times. This will take you to the lock screen, where you will have to enter your password to unlock.
  • Activate ApplePay: if you hold down the side button to activate Siri, Apple’s intelligent assistant. You can ask it to make calls, send messages, play music, answer questions, and much more. Apple Pay: If you have Apple Pay set up, you can quickly access it by double-tapping the side button. This quick access makes contactless payments easy.

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