Changes in the electricity bill: we explain each concept

Many users still do not know the concepts that are included in their electricity bill and now, with the inclusion of the gas capdeciphering it is getting more and more difficult. After the different regulatory and tax changes in recent months, added to the recent gas cap as a result of RDL 10/2022, it is important to review each of the concepts that appear on the invoice to understand What do we pay in the electricity bill? From the company Gana Energía, as energy advisors, they explain the sections in which users should look to understand the bill and be able to save on bills at the end of the month:

Gas adjustment: the new “actor” in play

As a result of the price cap on natural gas, this new cost that seeks to compensate the gas and coal generation plants and that is borne by the consumers themselves through their receipt.

Although it is not mandatory for it to appear itemized on the bill, some companies, including Gana Energía, are including it to offer more detailed and transparent information on what the user is paying. This cost is not set by the company, but is regulated by the RDL 10/2022 and is set every day in the wholesale electricity market.

electric power

The power you have contracted determines how many appliances you can have running at the same time without the leads jumping. Should consider that this is a fixed term in the invoicewhich is paid regardless of the consumption that is made.

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Precisely because of its fixed cost nature, it is one of the points where costs can be reduced the most. If the leads have never jumped, even though all the appliances and lights are on at the same time, it is likely that the electrical power is too high and you are paying more.

From Gana Energia they recommend adjust the contracted power to the real needs of each home to save on electricity bills.

energy consumed

It is another main concept in the invoice. It shows the price of each kilowatt hour consumed and is billed in €/kWh. It varies depending on the consumption that is made.

In case you have hired time discrimination, the energy consumed will appear broken down into the existing time slots (Punta, Llano and Valle). On the other hand, if you have a 24-hour electricity rate, it will appear in a single concept in the breakdown of the bill.

Measuring equipment

It is the rent of the meter that is paid to the distributor, except if it is owned.


In recent months, there have been several changes in tax matters within the framework of government measures to try to lower the electricity bill. For this reason, many users now do not know exactly what taxes on electricity they pay on their bill.

From July 1, the VAT on electricity was fixed by 5% for powers less than 10 kW. The reduction of the Electricity Tax has also been extended, and is now set at 0.5%.

On the other hand, consumers who are in the free market will find a small amount on their bill that corresponds to the financing of the Social Bonus.

Other data of interest

In addition to these more basic concepts, the user can find other information of interest on his receipt. For example, many companies usually include graphs with the evolution of consumption in recent months and the average daily consumption.

Knowing how consumption is carried out at home can help to better choose the electricity rate and adopt saving measures. You can also check, through the QR code included in the invoicethe Comparator of Electricity and Gas Offers of the CNMC.

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