Continue on PC feature disappears from Windows 10

Microsoft has been playing Apple and has tried to allow its users to connect all types of mobiles to Windows 10 to offer a unified experience. However, far from reality, the only ones who have managed to get close to the function of iOS and macOS have been the Samsung higher end. The rest of the phones have limited functionality once connected to the PC.

What is the Continue function on PC

Continue on PC is a function that sought to bring to Windows a user experience similar to that offered by Apple with Handoff. The apple giant allows us to instantly resume almost any activity that we were doing on the mobile (viewing a website, writing an email, etc.) directly in macOS. Microsoft wanted to offer something similar to its users and, for this, it launched this tool.

The possibilities of Continue on PC the truth is that they were very limited. First of all, this function depends directly on Cortana and the classic Edge. In addition, it only allowed us to send websites that we had open on our mobile to the computer, but it was not prepared to do anything else.

Since Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, version that introduced this novelty, Microsoft has forgotten about it. It has hardly received any changes or improvements in its functionality in recent years, and that has taken its toll. Finally, the inevitable has happened.

If we enter the iOS App Store and look for this application, the latest version of it brings a message. From July 27 this year, Continue on PC stops working permanently. Microsoft will no longer support this feature and it will no longer be part of the shared experience the company wanted to offer on Windows.

You can continue on the PC without using this function

The truth is that, just like Handoff is a very useful and comprehensive function, Continue on PC made no sense. To send a website from your mobile to your computer there are many ways to do it, and most of them are faster and give less problems than this one.

If we use Edge, Microsoft’s new web browser, we will also be able to send open tabs on any device (PC, Android, iOS) to any other that runs the same browser. This feature is available for all Edge browsers, both in the stable branch and in the Beta and Canary. And we will not need to install any additional program or connect the mobile to the PC.

Also, if we are users of the Google browser, ChromeThanks to the connection of all browsers through our account, we will also be able to do the same. We can use the function “Send to device” or “Send link to PC” and select our computer to send any open page from the mobile to the PC.

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