Disney +: top 15 of the best films in the catalog

Disney + has hundreds and hundreds of films in its catalog. In this file, we have selected fifteen that are worth it. Cartoons, adventure films, action, history, romantic comedies… there is something for everyone!

Disney + has one of the largest catalogs on the market in terms of films. We not only find Disney, Marvel and Star Wars films there, but also many 20th Century Fox productions in the Star catalog.

In this dossier, we have decided to highlight the fifteen best films on the platform according to U.S. For this, we have based ourselves on their critical reception, in particular thanks to their score on the aggregator Rotten Tomatoes. We have also tried to diversify the genres and limit the place of the Star Wars and Marvel films so that they do not take up all the rankings. After all, Disney + is also popular because of them. Finally, it should be noted that this list is not a classification. Cinema is subjective after all.

Here is the list of the fifteen films to see on Disney +:

Braveheart (1995)

Mel Gibson’s cult film, Braveheart is an epic historical epic. We follow the adventures of William Wallace, a 13th century Scottish hero who fights against the dominance of the crown of England. Adventures, camaraderie, gigantic battles, Braveheart is the very essence of the historical film of the 1990s.

The Shape of Water (2017)

Oscar for best film in 2018, The Shape of Water by Guillermo Del Toro tells the love story between Elisa, a cleaning lady in a military research center, and an amphibian creature. A strange, poetic film, carried by a dreamlike atmosphere under the cold war background.

Titanic (1997)

Is it still necessary to present James Cameron’s masterpiece? Love story, historical film, action and adventure, Titanic skillfully mixes genres. A cult film that had exploded all records when it was released.

Edward in the Hands of Money (1990)

Edward is a strange, unfinished creature who came out of his castle to experience the monotonous life of the American suburbs. A film as funny as it is melancholy, Edward in the Hands of Money is one of Johnny Depp’s first great roles in the cinema.

Avengers (2012)

Loki attacks Earth and Nick Fury gathers all the greatest heroes to fight him. The Avengers is an important film that changed the face of the 2010s blockbuster, even imprinting the concept of a cinematic universe in the minds of the mainstream. The quintessential popcorn movie symbol. Ideal for a relaxing evening with the family.

28 days later (2002)

The zombie movie has always been heavily codified, until Danny Boyle kicks it off with 28 days later. Chilling, anxiety-provoking, enjoyable, this is one of the best productions of its kind. A harsh, gory film that is not for children. His sequel, 28 weeks later, is also on Disney +.

Willow (1988)

Before Frodo, there was Willow! This fantasy film directed by Ron Howard takes us to an enchanting world populated by fascinating creatures and dangers. A cuddly movie for thirtysomethings. Note that a Disney + series that will follow the film is currently in preparation.

The Adventures of Jack Burton in the Claws of the Mandarin (1986)

It’s not John Carpenter’s most famous film, but it is arguably his craziest. A crazy adventure with a hint of pulp, Jack Burton is a cult film in many ways. We find Kurt Russel at the height of his career.

Pretty Woman (1990)

THE romantic comedy par excellence. A businessman played by Richard Gere falls in love with a prostitute played by Julia Roberts. A cult comedy, often imitated, but never equaled.

Alien, the Eighth Passenger (1979)

One of the pillars of science fiction films. Ridley Scott’s first big success, Alien is a gripping film with an incredibly heavy atmosphere. An absolute masterpiece, even more than forty years after its release. The suites are also on Disney +.

Die Hard: Crystal Trap (1990)

Upon its release, Die Hard signed the revival of the action film. The concept is simple: a building, terrorists, a cop who intends to put obstacles in their way. Considered one of the best productions of its kind, the film launched the career of a certain Bruce Willis. The suites are also on Disney +. We have a very special affection for Une Journée en Enfer, the third part.

Star Wars Episode V, The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

The Empire Strikes Back is considered by many to be one of the best blockbusters ever to be made. It indeed represents the epitome of what fans love about Star Wars. This episode V appears on our list, but these are actually the three films in the original trilogy that deserve to be in it.

Avatar (2009)

Twelve years after Titanic, James Cameron once again blew up the box office with Avatar. A sort of Pocahontas in space, this film is in fact a technical feat, democratizing motion capture and 3D in cinema. We follow Sully, a soldier who is sent to the planet Pandora and who will integrate into the civilization of the Na’vis.

Up there (2009)

Carl Frendricksen is an old man who dreams of escape. He then flew to South America by attaching balloons to his house. Bad luck for him, the young Russell invited himself in the adventure. A poetic film, ideal for the family.

The Lion King (1994)

One of the biggest hits of Disney studios. Simba is the son of Mufasa, the lion king, but when the latter is assassinated, he is forced into exile. An adaptation of Hamlet in the land of animals.

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