
Disney Villainous: Fifth Expansion Coming!

Ravensburger announced the arrival of the fifth expansion for the board game Disney Villainous!

Three new villains will join the playable characters of the title dedicated to the antagonists of the Disney world. Let’s find out what they are together!

Disney Villainous: Fifth Expansion Coming!

Bigger and Badder: Disney Villainous Gets Even Bigger and Badder. Thanks to the new expansion just announced by Ravensburger, the villains of which we will be able to take part in the board game created by the Prospero Hall team become an impressive total of 21.

With Bigger and Badder the villains of the Pixar world, the animated digital division of Disney, come into play for the first time. In fact, Sindrome, from the 2004 film the Incredibles, and Lotso Grandi Abbracci, directly from Toy Story 3, are coming. The third villain comes from much further back in time, but we are not happy to see him land in the world of Disney Villainous. This is Maga Magò, the perfidious but hilarious antagonist we see in The Sword in the Rock, the protagonist of one of the most absurd magical challenges of all time against Merlin the Wizard. (And do you remember how in the end Merlin defeats Maga Magò? Sadly current outcome …). This time, of course, we’ll be cheering on the strange witch!

Bigger and Badder, the fifth expansion of Disney Villainous, is arriving on the gaming tables in the spring of 2022. An official date for Italy is not yet known, where we are still waiting for the fourth expansion that should be released close to it. period. As usual, the new expansion is designed to be purchased and played “alone” or integrated with all other Disney Villainous releases.

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