change the router It is something that can help improve the connection and have greater coverage. Sometimes the device that the operator offers us is not the best, it has become obsolete or has even stopped working for some reason. But of course, when we acquire a new device, we must take into account some points so that it works as well as possible. Therefore, we are going to talk about the main mistakes when using a new router.
Errors when using a new router
Some of these errors will put at risk the network security. They can cause the entry of intruders who control the devices that are connected or steal information. But they could also affect the operation and that the signal does not arrive as powerful as we would like.
Keep settings
The first clear mistake is to keep the factory setting. The router will bring a name for the Wi-Fi network, a password to access the configuration, certain established parameters that can affect the signal, etc. It is a mistake to leave everything as it is when we open it from the box.
This can be a security issue. Think, for example, that the name of the network will give clues to a hypothetical intruder about what exact model it is. In case there is any vulnerability, it will be able to exploit it. The same with respect to the key to access the device itself.
not put it in a good place
Without a doubt, this is something that many users do not take into account. We buy a new router and put it anywhere, where it is more comfortable or where it is less in the way. But this is a mistake, since we are not taking full advantage of the features of this device and we would be limited.
The ideal is to put it in a location from which it distributes the signal correctly. For example a central area of the house, from where we can connect computers, mobiles, etc. In addition, it should be in an elevated location, such as on top of a piece of furniture, and never near other electronic devices.
leave it unprotected
Another clear flaw is leave the router unprotected. Here we can mention the fact of leaving the Wi-Fi password that comes from the factory, for example. This can be a problem, since the ideal is to create our own password, which is totally random, unique and has letters, numbers and other symbols.
Although any password is going to be better than none, we should not trust the security measures that are pre-established when buying a router and it is interesting that we modify them to maximize that security and avoid possible attacks that compromise us.
think it’s up to date
Although the router is new, even if we have recently bought it, that does not mean that it is updated. The device may have been on the market for several years and the firmware it comes with has some vulnerability or new versions have been released to improve performance. It will help, for example, to prevent DDoS attacks on the router.
Therefore, it is essential to check for new updates and install them if necessary. In this way we will be able to have the router updated at all times, take advantage of the improvements and new features that arise and of course that it is protected so that vulnerabilities that can be exploited do not appear.