Do not unmount the hard drive, so you can see the serial number from Windows

All the components of a PC or laptop have a unique number that gives us information about it. This information is necessary to repair the equipment or for when we have to process the guarantee. Well, we are going to explain how to find the serial number of a hard drive HDD or SSD no need to disassemble anything.

Nobody has controlled the serial numbers of all the components of your PC or your laptop. This information can be very important in case you need to send a component for repair. But occasionally, it can be used to find out if a component belongs to a batch that has been defective.

How to see the serial number of an SSD in Windows

The serial number is a unique product identifier that the manufacturer gives to it. Said numbering is generated completely randomly according to parameters specified by the manufacturer. Each manufacturer uses its own identification system. Above all, this information is important for warranty processing, as well as to learn more about a product or to purchase spare parts.

This information is printed on the SSD or the HDD, but accessing it can be very difficult. It becomes especially difficult if we are talking about an M.2 SSD, which will surely have a heatsink on top. For this reason we can ask Windows to give us this information. There are two methods that we will explain to you.

All these methods to see the serial number They are perfectly suitable for units HDD, SATA SSD and M.2 SSD.

Using the command prompt

The first is possibly the most comfortable and simple in all ways. The command prompt itself will give us this information and any other information we need. We just have to follow the following steps:

  1. In the seeker from the bottom bar Windows we must introduce CMD or Command Promptand press enter
  2. A window with a black background will open.
  3. Now, you will need to enter the following command: wmic diskdrive get model, name, serialnumber and pressing the enter key
  4. We will see now the unit modelthe name assigned by Windows and the serial number
  5. Once we copy it, we can close the sale

Using PowerShell

This system is a little more advanced and it is designed for other tasks, but it will also show us this information. This console interface allows us to join commands through instructions. We will be able to obtain the serial number and the same information as in the previous case. The process is the following:

  1. In the seeker from the bottom bar Windows we must introduce PowerShell, and press enter
  2. A window with a blue background will open, in this case
  3. Now, you will need to enter the following command: Get-WMIObject win32_physicalmedia | Format-List Tag, SerialNumber and pressing the enter key
  4. We will now see the name assigned by Windows and the serial number
  5. Once we copy it, we can close the sale

Thanks to these two methods we will see the information on our storage unit without having to disassemble half of the computer. We hope this little tutorial has been useful to you.

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