
Do this to find out if your bulbs spend a lot of light

whatA light bulb burns a lot? That will depend on several factors and we are going to tell you what you should take into account. If you have doubts about whether you are spending too much to have lights on at home, you simply have to look at some features and make a simple account. With this, you will know at all times if you use more energy than normal or, on the contrary, the bulbs you have do not really represent a significant cost.

We anticipate that a light bulb does not consume much electricity if you compare it with other devices. For example, simply by turning on the oven, air conditioning or a stove for a moment, you will use much more electricity than having several light bulbs on at the same time.

Check if you spend a lot with light bulbs

So what should you watch for know if a light bulb uses a lot? An important factor is how powerful it is. It can be from just 4 or 5 watts, up to 60 or 70 W. If it is an old model, it will be closer to this last data. If it is a more current LED bulb, it is rare that it exceeds 10 W.

Let’s say, for example, that you are using 6 watt bulbs. You want to know if you are spending more than the account and it is going to suppose a significant cost in the bill. What else do you need? A key piece of information is to know how long you are going to keep it on. Depending on the hours, you will be able to calculate your consumption. But you will also have to look at what rate you have contracted. In addition, all that you will have to multiply by the number of light bulbs.

If we consider that you turn on the light bulbs 10 hours a day and you are going to use, for example, 3 of themin addition to the fact that energy costs you €0.15 per kWh, you already have everything you need to calculate it. With this simple example, what you have to do is multiply the power, which we have said is 6 W, by the number of bulbs, which we have indicated will be 3. That gives us a consumption of 18 W. If We are going to use it for 10 hours, it will be 180 W, which if we convert it to kWh will give us 0.18 kWh.

The price of energy is €0.15 per kWh, which we have given as an example, so you will have to multiply it by those €0.18 and it will give us €0.027. Therefore, for 3 6 W bulbs that will be on for 10 hours a day, it gives us a result of €0.027, less than 3 euro cents.

If we extrapolate that to the whole monthwe would be talking about about €0.81. Of course, for this calculation we have put some specific values, such as the cost of energy of €0.15 per kWh. It will depend on how your electricity rate is, since it is not the same if you have hourly discrimination or if you are going to pay the same regardless of what time of day it is.

So, as you can see, with this calculation that we have shown you can know if you spend a lot of energy with your light bulbs. You will need to know the power of the model you use, how many you have, the time they will be on and the price at which you pay for electricity. From there, you will know if you are paying a lot or a little.

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