Donald Trump finally launches his social network on the App Store

The former president of the United States has finally launched his social network on the App Store.

Determined to return to social networks after his banishment from Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, Donald Trump is taking a new step. Its Truth social network has been available on the Apple brand’s App Store for a few days, and even if users still report some account creation problems, the machine seems to be officially launched.

A comeback for Donald Trump?

Banned from traditional social networks since the violent riots in the Capitol during the American elections, Trump intended to make his big media comeback, at all costs. After several months of delay, Devin Nunes, the boss of Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) has confirmed to Fow News that the launch of Truth is imminent, and that it will be “fully operational, at least in the US” by the end of the year.

Presented as an alternative to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, Truth had already existed in beta version for several months. It is now available to everyone who pre-ordered it, despite several bugs that platform administrators attribute to over-popularity. A symbolic date for Donald Trump: on the occasion of February 21, 2022, a public holiday in the United States in tribute to former American presidents, the politician planned to sell 10,000 NFTs illustrating the key moments of his mandate.

Through this announcement, Donald Trump plays not only his media return, but also his possible return to politics : at 75, the politician does not rule out the idea of ​​running for a new presidential term in 2024. For the moment accessible only in the United States, Truth Social could be fully operational by March.

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