
everything you need to know about the future of your smart home

What challenges does home automation present?

With the passage of time we need more sophisticated devices and at the same time we have a greater number. That means that today it may be enough to have any router, for example, but in the future we will need a better one so that they all work. There are certain challenges that home automation is going to have to solve soon.

improve connection

Undoubtedly something essential that home automation will need in the future is to have a better connection. We have more and more devices scattered around the house. For example, all kinds of household appliances, smart light bulbs, Wi-Fi plugs… In many cases they will be very far from the router, so having good coverage will be key.

But we are also going to need to improve speed and bandwidth. We are going to connect more devices that will require a good connection to broadcast in real time, such as surveillance cameras. If the connection is not good, we will have limitations in this regard.

Greater capacity to connect devices

It is also necessary to have a greater capacity to be able to connect more devices No problem. Old routers start to fail as soon as we connect 10 or 15 devices at the same time. The most modern, on the other hand, can support many more and there will be no connection problems.

But in the future the figure may increase considerably. We can have sensors of all kinds in our home, electrical appliances with a wide variety of Wi-Fi, smart speakers, robotic devices of all kinds, etc. That will force you to have a powerful connection, with enough capacity to connect many devices without problems.

Centralized or distributed home automation

Fears of security risks

Something that worries a lot to those who begin to domotize the house is the issue of security. It is a fact that sometimes a smart device can have vulnerabilities and be the gateway for hackers to a network. Therefore, the more devices we have, the more likely to have problems.

Home automation will face the challenge of improving the security of devices and making it more difficult to carry out attacks, steal information or compromise the operation of other equipment. Especially those devices that can store personal information, it is more necessary to improve privacy and security.

Devices increasingly interconnected

Another challenge is allowing the devices to be whenever more connected to each other. The trend is to be able to control from one device what happens in many others that we have in the house. This can help to carry out many daily tasks of our day to day, but also save energy. For example, there are temperature sensors interconnected with windows or doors that open and close automatically.

This, although little by little we are seeing it, is still far from what it will be in the future with complete certainty. We will see more devices interconnected with each other and many more possibilities for our homes.

As you can see, home automation is something that is already very present in our homes, but there is still a long way to go. In a few years we will see devices that even today we cannot even imagine, but at the same time it will be necessary to solve certain challenges to make it possible.

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