Find the movie or song you are looking for on Kodi much faster with this trick

Here we find a multimedia center that has been with us for a good number of years. One of the main advantages that this open source program offers us is the enormous functionality that it presents to us by default. We find a multitude of tools to manage and play all types of multimedia content. This includes television channels and we will be able to work both with local files like over the internet.

It is also important to know that in most cases we will not have any problem related to file compatibility. And that’s not all, since its developers offer us kodi for most devices and platforms. Now we are going to show you a very simple way to locate titles referring to videos or audio much faster. This will be extremely useful in the event that you have personal libraries full of content.

First of all, we will tell you that another of the sections preferred by the majority of users here is the possibility of use addons or accessories. These allow us to increase and improve the functionality of the multimedia center in a significant way. Precisely below we are going to show you a clear example that will allow us to locate content much faster in the Kodi program. This is something that we will achieve through an add-on included in the repository itself that the developers of the program offer us.

Global Search, the Kodi add-on for large libraries

The first thing we should know is that the multimedia center itself offers us its own repository of add-ons. We can use these in a simple and free way, although by default they come uninstalled and we have to install them by hand. To do this, from the main interface of Kodi we go to the section Add-ons / Install from repository.

In the case that concerns us in these lines, we are located in Program Add-ons since we are going to use an additional utility that we will install here. To locate the audio and video content that interests us more quickly in our personal libraries, we have to find the plugin called GlobalSearch. By clicking on it we will have the opportunity to install it in the multimedia center to benefit from its advantages.

Once you have successfully installed the corresponding shortcut, it will be added to the Add-ons section of the program. If we click on it on the screen, a search box will appear where we only have to enter the terms that we want to locate in our extensive library of content. It is important to know that by default Kodi does not offer us any search engine that we can use through the application interface.

Therefore, in the event that we usually work with personal libraries full of audio and video files, this is a complement that will be very useful for us. saves us from having to browse those libraries manually, sometimes made up of hundreds or thousands of contents, to find what we want to play at that moment.

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