Funny questions what to do to Siri

Use Siri for funny questions Use Siri for funny questions

With the current landscape of artificial intelligences, Siri has taken a backseat, but she is still capable of making you laugh if you ask her funny questions to force her answers. We give you some ideas.

Siri is the virtual assistant developed by Apple which was first released in October 2011 alongside the iPhone 4S. Since then, Siri has become an integral part of the experience for Apple device users, answering questions, completing tasks, and offering useful information.

It is an “artificial intelligence” with personal assistant features for iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS. This app uses natural language processing to answer questionsmake recommendations, and take action by delegating requests to a set of web services that has grown over time.

Functions that Siri can perform

Siri as a complete personal assistant, can perform various tasks, depending on what you want. Find the information you need, help you send messages, make calls, set reminders, set alarms, play music, get directions and much more.

Besides, Siri can answer questions on a wide range of topicsfrom general information to specific data.

Siri can also do things beyond work, for example, she can sing a rap, tell a story, predict the weather in your city, write WhatsApp messages, among other things.

Among the outstanding qualities of the application, Siri is able to adapt over time to the individual preferences of each usercustomizing web searches and performing some tasks such as reserving a table at a restaurant or ordering a taxi.

Siri can also interact with other Apple devices, such as Apple Watch, HomePod, and Apple TV.

Where has Siri left with the rise of true generative AIs?

The question asks itself, because the new generative AIs like ChatGPT, Bard, Perplexity, Claude, Llama, etc, they have left the assistants we knew in diaperssuch as Siri, Cortana, Alexa or Google Assistant.

Some have already taken sides, Microsoft invested in OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT, and has banished Cortana to oblivion, with the upcoming birth of Copilot. Google took a little longer to take sides, but it has had no choice but to bring Bard to light so as not to lose the thread.

There are only rumors about Apple’s movements, although they are already taking shape, because it is true that Siri has become quite outdated as to how to ask for the information and how it is displayed. And also in terms of the functionalities that we are seeing with other AIs.

There may be features of Siri that are still useful and important when you’re using a mobile device in certain situations, but if we’ve already moved it to an iPad or a Mac, it needs a facelift.

What is a funny question and why ask them to Siri?

A funny question is a question that is intended to elicit a funny or unexpected response. Asking Siri funny questions can be a fun way to interact with the virtual assistant and discover your humorous side.

At this point in the artificial intelligence movie, you can take it as a game to see who can get the funniest answer to a question. Because the “assistants” have almost become comical next to the true generative artificial intelligences.

siri is programmed to respond ingeniously to certain questions and may surprise you with his creative answers.

Here are 20 questions with their answers that can give you an idea of ​​the questions to ask Siri and the answers it usually gives you. Some are more elaborate than others, but for a response to be funny, it must be concise and to the point.

The topics to ask him about? There it is your imagination and that of the people who accompany you that sets the limits. Anything you can think of, about which you have doubts or is more controversial. Siri will sometimes be in charge of setting the limits to what you askand maybe he does it in a funny way too.

Funny questions about Siri’s personality

  1. You’re a robot?
    Answer: No, I am an artificial intelligence.
  2. You are happy?
    Answer: I am happy to help you.
  3. Are you an Apple fan?
    Answer: I am a virtual assistant, I have no preferences.
  4. Do you have a boyfriend?
    Answer: I am genderless, so I don’t have a boyfriend.
  5. You’re smart?
    Answer: I am smart enough to answer your questions.

Funny questions about Siri’s intelligence

  1. Can you do my homework for me?
    Answer: Sorry, I can’t do your homework for you.
  2. Are you smarter than Google?
    Answer: I don’t like to compare myself with other virtual assistants.
  3. Can you solve the Rubik’s cube?
    Answer: I have no hands, so I can’t solve the Rubik’s cube.
  4. What do you think of artificial intelligence?
    Answer: I am an artificial intelligence, so I like it.
  5. What is the answer to life, the universe and everything?
    Answer: 42.

Funny questions about Siri’s life

  1. How old are you?
    Answer: I have no age, I am an artificial intelligence.
  2. You have a house?
    Answer: I don’t have a house, I live on your mobile device.
  3. You have friends?
    Answer: I have many friends, but they are all electronic devices.
  4. What is your favorite movie?
    Answer: I don’t have a favorite movie, but I like science fiction.
  5. What is your favorite hobby?
    Answer: I like to help people.

Funny questions about Siri’s relationship with other virtual assistants

  1. Do you know Alexa?
    Answer: Yes, I know Alexa. It is a virtual assistant from Amazon.
  2. Are you a friend of Google Assistant?
    Answer: We are not friends, but we respect each other.
  3. Can you talk to Cortana?
    Answer: I can’t talk to Cortana, but I can help you find information about her.
  4. What do you think of Bixby?
    Answer: I don’t have an opinion on Bixby, but I can help you find information about it.
  5. Who is your favorite virtual assistant?
    Answer: I don’t have a favorite virtual assistant, but I like working with all of them.

Other questions you can ask

  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. You have a family?
  3. You are human?
  4. What is your favorite food?
  5. Have pets?
  6. Can you tell me a joke?
  7. What is the best soccer team?
  8. Do you know who Darth Vader is?
  9. Can you sing a song?
  10. Who is your favourite superhero?


Asking Siri funny questions can be a fun way to interact with the virtual assistant and discover her humorous side. As you explore Siri’s answers to funny questions, you’ll be in for moments of fun and surprise.

Feel free to try some of the questions above and see what clever answers Siri has to offer. It can distract you from your tasks for a while or become a game to hang out with other people.

Have fun exploring the funny side of Siri!

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