Making proper use of radiators can lead to considerable savings on the bill. Following a daily routine of good practices is a permanent solution to the consumption of our heating, which often seems exorbitant to us but would be reduced if we took into account factors that we overlook but that lead to it not being completely efficient. Follow these steps and get the most out of your radiator.
proper maintenance
The first thing we have to do is make sure, before the winter season begins, the state of our radiators. This happens to make a correct purged, in this way we will rule out the possibility of air being found inside after having spent the spring and summer months stopped. This action is not unique, it can be repeated if we consider it so or if we detect some strange noise. Currently there are those called «automatic drains«, and they cost about 8 euros each (you have to put one in each radiator) and they will allow us to avoid having to purge the water circuit to get the air out of it.
Another aspect to take into account is the temperature at which we put both radiators and stoves. As indicated by the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE), the correct temperature for the winter months should not exceed 21º. It is also advisable to know that for every degree we raise the heating, we are increasing energy consumption by 7%.
Do not block the radiator or stove
To prevent our stoves or radiators from working harder to reach the optimum temperature, it is advisable not to place them in areas where some obstacle blocks the heat output. For example, avoid installing close furniture or curtains. Neither leave clothes on them to dry or heat.
Likewise, it is not recommended to paint the radiators. This creates a surface layer that can also block proper heat output. By avoiding these practices we are contributing to the heat reaching the entire room earlier and thus making more efficient use of heating. Directly related is the correct use per room. If we are not going to be in a room, the best thing we can do is close the door to prevent hot air from escaping. Another efficient way to take advantage of the heat from our stoves is to combine them with the heat we generate after showering to save on usage time.
Cover air leaks
Just like we can avoid heat loss by installing good insulation of doors and windows. We can also reduce the heat loss generated by our radiators by ventilating the house at just the right time. About 10 minutes is enough to air out the house in winter. If we do not have good construction insulation, we can opt for homemade solutions to cover those air leaks that little by little are taking their toll. A good way is to cover the leaks with putty or electrical tape that prevents the entry of outside air.
Finally, when night comes and it is time to go to bed, we must do everything possible to enjoy the warmth provided by good blankets. By turning off the heating at night, or by lowering the temperature to approximately 18ºC, we are saving around 10% of energy expenditure, so you should also value it.