Hawkeye: the explanation of the ending of the Marvel series

With the sixth and final episode entitled “Merry Christmas and me!” ended Hawkeye, the Disney + TV series dedicated to Hawk eye which, like the other serial productions of Marvel Studios, gave us a very open ending that deserves an explanation.

Obviously it is clear that if you have not yet seen the latest installment of the show with the main protagonists Jeremy Renner And Hailee Steinfeld, we advise you not to continue reading the article so as not to run into spoilers.

The explanation (with spoilers) of Hawkeye’s ending

Well, are you still with us? Then we can proceed with the explanation of Hawkeye’s ending.

After the final “Christmas” battle Clint (Jeremy Renner) takes Kate (Hailee Steinfeld) with him to his home to spend Christmas with the Barton family on their ranch, along with Hawkeye’s wife and three children.

In a relaxed and serene atmosphere Clint hands his wife his wife Laura (Linda Cardellini) a watch telling her it comes from a black market auction. This is the Rolex recovered from the Avengers Compound and on which both Clint and Maya they tried to get their hands (with mixed success of course).

The SHIELD clock

Laura seems to recognize the clock and, when she turns it, the SHIELD logo and an engraving with the number 19 can be seen on the back of the house. Laura’s smile confirms that she is actually theAgent 19, or Mockingbird, a character who also in the comics is married to Clint Barton.

It is a real twist both because it introduces the character of Mockingbird in the MCU, and because it does so by disavowing (at least in appearance) the TV series Agents of SHIELD which had already presented Barbara “Bobbi” Morse (who is the name of Mockingbird in the comics) as Agent 19, played by Adrianne Palicki, though never calling her “Mockingbird”.

At this point it is likely that Agent 19 of Agents of SHIELD has taken over from Laura Barton after the retirement of the latter for life together with Hawkeye, a solution that would allow to save goat and cabbage and give another opportunity to the ABC show which, we recall, counts in the cast Clark Gregg as Phil Coulson, one of the best-known characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Who is Mockingbird?

In the comics Mockingbird aka doctor Barbara “Bobbi” Morse-Barton aka “Mime” is one of the best agents of the SHIELD. Created by Gerry Conway (texts) e Barry Windsor-Smith (drawings), she is a skilled martial arts fighter famous for using a pair of sticks.

Initially, Mockingbird’s encounter with Hawkeye is not the best, but the two then end up falling in love and getting married in the Pocono Mountains, a place that probably inspired the location of the current residence (ranch) of the Barton family.

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