
How adjusting virtual memory affects Windows performance

Our computer has two types of storage. On the one hand, it is in permanent storage either an HDD or SSD. On the other hand, we find RAM memory, memory where the programs are loaded to work and that, once we stop using them or restart the computer, they disappear completely. Next, we come to virtual memory. Virtual memory is not a physical element of our equipment, it is a hard disk space that it creates with the function of using it as RAM memory when it is exhausted.

Virtual memory operation

Virtual memory, also known as a swap or paging file, is responsible for use storage drive space as RAM to prevent the computer from crashing due to lack of memory.

When using space from the storage unit, space that we can limit from the Windows configuration options, you need the computer to always have a minimum amount of space available to be able to use it if necessary. If we do not have enough space on the storage drive, the computer will not be able to use this space as virtual memory to continue running applications smoothly, and over time, the computer will end up hanging at best and not showing up before the blue screen of death.

Once we are clear about how virtual memory works, it is easy to conclude that it really is a fantastic function that allows the computer to function more comfortably. However, not as functional, not useful, depending on the type of storage of our equipment.

HDD hard drives offer much lower read and write speeds to those offered by SSD solid state drives. The reason is because HDDs are a physical disk that spins, an analog system that is much slower than SSDs that store content digitally, so access is instant.

Having a slower read and write speed than SSDs, computers with an HDD hard drive, they slow down a lot when they run out of RAM and it has to make use of the free space on the hard drive to continue working. The equipment will not hang, however, it will work much slower than usual because the data reading process is much slower than in SSD drives.

If we talk about reading speed, RAM is a lot faster than any SSD drive, so yes, if we want our team to work as smoothly as possible, it is always advisable to expand this section of the team as much as possible. Furthermore, it is also recommended to use an SSD instead of an HDD. If it is a computer with a few years behind it, replacing the HDD with an SSD and expanding the RAM memory will take a few years off it.

How to modify virtual memory

The size of virtual memory must be at least 1.5 times the amount of RAM with a maximum of 3 times. In this way, if we have 8 GB of RAM, the virtual memory must be at least 12 GB, while we have 4 GB, it must be at least 6 GB. To check the virtual memory of our PC and, if necessary, expand it, we must access the Windows Configuration options (Win + i). Next, we click on System > About. In the right column, click on Advanced system settings.

Advanced system configuration

Next, click on the tab Advanced Options and then, in the section Performance, click on Settings. In the next window that is displayed, click again on Advanced Options and then, in the section Virtual memory Click on Change and set the amount of RAM, in MB, that we want to use.

Virtual memory

If we don’t want to complicate our lives and we want Windows to be the one at its ease, we can select the option System Managed Sizeso that it automatically expands the size when necessary.

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