There are various reasons why a company may need to install one or more servers. For example, to safeguard your critical data, or to launch an infrastructure similar to those that can be found in the cloud, but locally. Also the need to have total control of the infrastructure with which you work. But there are many more reasons that can lead companies to install their own server. And sometimes, it is a need that is not so clear.
Furthermore, if you have already decided to install a server, it is time to choose which one best suits the needs of the company. That is why you have to assess what needs it has, and what it can offer you. It is likely that strange concepts will appear at this time, such as computing density, or that you will have to compare other aspects outside of the hardware. One of the most important will be the technical service.
You also need to consider the amount of workload it will have to endure, and the tasks it will be used for. Apart from that, it is necessary to plan for what will happen if the infrastructure needs to be expanded in the future. That is, if it will need to be scaled or if a single server will suffice.
Obviously, if you need an expansion in the future, you must take into account the server options to be able to do it on the server itself. Also to integrate it into a network with other servers and make the infrastructure grow. Among the servers that can best adapt to the needs of your company is the HPE ProLiant 11as reflected in this technical document with data on everything it offers to companies.
But before choosing a server, you need to make sure it is the most suitable solution. To do this, you need to ask yourself some questions. Among them, the number of users who are connected to the company’s infrastructure daily to be able to work. As they grow, installing a server can make a difference in performance and access to resources. HPE ProLiant offers servers designed specifically for organizations starting with five users.
Another point to consider when deciding whether you need to install a server locally or not is the need to work as a team. If necessary, both in person and remotely, a company’s employees share files and documents between teams. With a server you can centralize everything you have to share, as well as its creation and update.
Collaborating employees can access them from their work computers, so everyone always has access to their most recent versions, without having to move files from one computer to another. In addition, a server prevents multiple versions of the same document from being in circulation, and guarantees total governance and control over all information, something essential for compliance with regulations such as the GDPR.
With a server, in addition, the use of network programs is facilitated, practically essential if the company is already in full digital transformation. With a server this type of software is centralized. They are also very useful in case you have to create various profiles for network users, only with access to the resources that you need or have to have at your disposal. Therefore, since a server allows you to create profiles and establish usage policies for the information, and for the computers connected to it.
These are some of the most relevant indicators that the company needs a server, such as those that have the characteristics offered by the HPE ProLiant Gen 11 with AMD EPYC chip. But they are not the last. In order to evaluate them all, and check the advantages of having the server infrastructure locally, complete the form and download our technical document.