How to remove people from your Instagram followers list

We recently told you about two very useful Instagram functions when it comes to improving the privacy of our account. Specifically, it concerns the restricted accounts feature and the ability to silence contacts without blocking them. Today we return to the load with new tricks for regular Instagram users, this time highlighting a function that is not available on other social networks. We are talking about the possibility of removing people from our Instagram followers list . Yes, you read correctly: it is possible to delete followers from our account. Do you want to learn how to do it? Keep reading to know the steps to follow.

Remove followers from your Instagram account

If you finish If you discover that a person you do not like or an advertising account follows you on Instagram and you are not comfortable with it, you are probably interested to know that you can remove people from your list of followers of simple form . Unlike social networks such as Facebook or Twitter (where we cannot remove followers from our profile), Instagram offers us the ability to remove a person from our list of followers without too many complications. Even so, many are unaware that this function is available.

To remove followers from your Instagram account you just have to access your profile and click on the number of followers of your account to access the list full of followers arranged chronologically (from most recent to oldest). On the left of each account you will see the Delete button. As its name suggests, you just have to press the button to delete the corresponding account from your list followers. The process to follow is the same in both the version of Instagram for iOS and for Android. In addition, the function we are discussing is also available in the web version of the platform.

Some aspects to take into account

Once the process to follow has been commented, it is important to take into account that the process is irreversible. That is, once we remove an account from our list of followers we will not be able to add it again. In light of the above, this means that the account owner may find that they have stopped following our account. Even so, Instagram does not notify the user that we have removed from our list of followers, so we can rest assured in that regard.

One of the advantages of this option is that does not force us to go to the extreme of blocking the user , and that is sometimes it is enough to prevent it from appearing in our list of followers. Without a doubt, it is a very useful function for all those occasions when we are not comfortable with an account that follows us on Instagram. Regardless of whether you have been followed by a person you don’t like, an advertising account or a bot, now you know that you can remove these profiles from your list of followers in a few seconds.

As we mentioned at the beginning, this function is not available on social networks such as Facebook or Twitter. Taking the above into account, we cannot deny that it is quite a useful function for regular users of the social network. The function we are talking about was initially available only in private accounts , although for some time it has also been available in public accounts of the social network. In this way, all those users who wish to can remove accounts from their list of followers.

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