
How to share Netflix account using ASUS routers and VPN

What should I take into account to avoid this block?

The first thing to keep in mind is that one of the Netflix members who share an account, must set up a VPN server so that your “colleagues” with whom you share an account can continue to do so without restrictions. This means that you will have to set up a VPN server in your home, and that it is always enabled. If at any time it is not available, the rest of the colleagues with whom you share an account will not be able to connect, and Netflix will surely detect it and send them a notice.

Another aspect that we must highlight is that this server is highly recommended to be configured with the WireGuard protocol because it is much faster than OpenVPN or IPsec. Therefore, if your router has the ability to configure this type of server, like all ASUS routers with firmware 388, you can configure it perfectly here. Another option is to install it on a NAS server that we have in our home, in this way, we will take a lot of work “load” off the main router in our home.

Once we have configured the server, we need to configure the VPN clients to connect. In this case, the best you can do is set FusionVPN of an ASUS router because it will allow us to select which wired or WiFi clients we want to go out to the Internet through the configured VPN. Currently, ASUS is the only router manufacturer that allows you to select which clients should go out to the Internet through the VPN and which through the connection directly. Other vendors force all clients to exit through the VPN tunnelwhich will cause a decrease in speed in devices that require it, such as desktop computers or laptops.

Next, we are going to show you how to configure both the server in an ASUS router, as well as FusionVPN to connect. The most important thing is that we have Asuswrt firmware 388, because it is the version that WireGuard has. We have used a router ASUS RT-AX88U Pro with a beta firmware, but the configuration options available are exactly the same.

Set up the server in the main house

The first thing we have to do is configure the server in the main house, it would be recommended that this house have a very fast Internet connection, of about 600Mbps symmetrical or more, because it will also be in charge of managing the traffic of the VPN clients that connect him. In addition, it would be highly recommended to have a powerful router, because then we will not have a bottleneck due to the main processor.

Internet and DDNS settings

The first thing we must do is make sure that the Internet connection of our router is correct, a very important aspect is that we cannot be with CG-NAT. If your operator provides you with an IP within CG-NAT, clients will not be able to connect to you. It is absolutely necessary that you have a public IP address. For example, operators like Movistar, O2 and others do provide public IP. Other operators such as Grupo Masmóvil must be specifically requested, operators such as Digi it is necessary to pay €1 more.

Depending on which Internet operator you have, you will have to put one configuration or another in the “WAN / Internet connection«In addition, if your operator uses VLANs you will have to configure it specifically for the connection to work.

Once the Internet connection is working properly, it is absolutely necessary create a dynamic DNS, so that customers can reach us through a domain name, for example, This is very important because most Internet connections use dynamic IP addresses. The easiest way is to go to the section «WAN/DDNS«, choose «Server: WWW.ASUS.COM» and put a host name, then click on «Apply» to register the domain and start updating.

Now that we have the Internet connection and the dynamic DNS service ready, we are going to see how to configure the server.

WireGuard server setup on ASUS

The first thing we need to do is go to the “Advanced settings / VPN” section. Once in this menu, we choose «WireGuard VPN» to access its settings. The configurations that you must make here are:

  • VPN Details: General
    • Intranet access: clients may or may not have access to the local network, it is recommended to disable this option so that they do not have access to the local network, only to the Internet.
    • IPv4 Tunnel: we can leave it by default.
    • listen port: The listening port is recommended to change it for security, we can put 51888 or whatever you want.
  • VPN Details: Advanced configuration
    • Pre-shared Key (Secret): we enable it for additional security.

The rest of the available options can be left by default, whenever we make a change we must click on «apply all settings«.

Now we need to create a «peer” either “vpn client«. To do this, click on “Add client” at the bottom right. We will get a drop-down menu and we have to fill in:

  • Username: we can put a descriptive name of the VPN connection.

The rest of the options are generated automatically and we do not have to modify anything.

As soon as we create the “peer”, we will get a QR code to scan with our smartphone or tablet, since the WireGuard app allows us to scan it to greatly facilitate configuration. If we click on «Export» We have access to the raw configuration file, and we can download it to later send it to all clients and have them import it into their ASUS router. As soon as we make any changes to the configuration, this configuration file will adapt to this new option.

The only thing we need to change here is the “end point«, and it is that clients must put the domain that we have configured in the dynamic DNS service. In our case, “”.

The general status of the WireGuard server on the ASUS router would look like this:

Now that we have the server configured, we are going to configure the clients. Of course, if you have several “partners” to share a Netflix account, you will have to create a “peer” for each of them, several cannot share the same “peer” because the connection will fail, also, so you can know who has connected and how much traffic is being exchanged.

Configuration of the VPN client (Fusion VPN) in the rest of the houses

The configuration for the users that act in client mode is very easy to carry out, because we simply have to import the configuration file that has been previously generated. Remember that if there are several of you, you must create a “peer” for each partner that is going to connect.

The configuration that we are going to carry out here is that only those who are going to use Netflix go to the Internet, previously going through the previously configured VPN server. In this way, in this section what we will do is select the Smart TVs or smartphones that are going to use Netflix, and not selecting the rest of the devices that will go directly to the Internet. It is very important that you only select the clients that are actually going to use Netflix and not all of them, to avoid saturating the VPN tunnel and having less real speed.

The first thing you should do is go to the section «Advanced Settings / VPN» and click on the tab «VPN Fusion«. In this menu we will have the main Internet connection and where we will have the Internet output of each and every one of the wired and wireless clients.

Now we click on «add profile«, we put a name to the connection, we choose the WireGuard VPN type and we proceed to load the configuration file that we have exported from the router that acts as a server.

When importing it, all the spaces are filled in automatically, it is very important enable the “Enable NAT” functionality for it to work correctly. It is very important that in the section «Endpoint Address» The domain that we have previously configured on the server appears. Once we have verified that everything has been imported correctly, at the bottom is where we can select which devices we want to use this VPN tunnel to go out to the Internet.

Here we must choose each and every one of the devices that will use Netflix, they will generally be Smart TVs and TV Boxes, although we can choose any device. Remember that it is not recommended to put all the devices.

Once we have applied the changes, the VPN tunnel will be established correctly and only the selected wired or WiFi clients will go out to the Internet through the server connection. In this way, you will be able to “cheat” Netflix with its blocking, since in the eyes of Netflix you will be going to the Internet from the same public IP address (the same house).

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