If you have 5 minutes, this bank gives you a gift of 100€

The cheapest bank in France, Boursorama is also displaying a majestic welcome bonus this weekend. Online banking has all the advantages to seduce you. It is a non-binding and free account.

Online banks are on the rise because they are cheap. Among them, Boursorama Banque is the “cheapest bank in France” for 14 years. It is also she who offers this weekend a very nice bonus of 100 euros for all her new customers. Opening an account with her is fast, free and without obligation on your part.

You just need to be of legal age, resident in France and not prohibited from banking. If so, you can complete the registration form in the bank (which will take you 5 minutes) to get the welcome bonus. think about enter code PW100 in the dedicated section.

I open a Boursorama account

The Pink Weekend is an operation that runs until Monday evening. A few times a year, the online bank offers a boosted welcome bonus to attract thousands of new customers. The latter have nothing special to do: all you have to do is open your account between March 4 and 7 to obtain a 100 euro gift, without any commitment or condition.

100 euros bonus at Boursorama Banque

In recent years, the number of online banks that offer a welcome bonus has decreased. Many are struggling to find an economic model and are therefore forced to limit their generosity. ING France is in even worse shape since it announced that it was ending its French adventure last December.

As a leader in online banking, Boursorama Banque is therefore one of the last to be so generous. What sets her apart is that her welcome bonus is very easy to get. It is not necessary to prove income, pay dues, domicile funds or even make it a main account. You are completely free to do whatever you want.

I open a Boursorama account

In detail, the online banking premium cut in half. The first part, 20 euros, is paid when the customer has officially activated the account. This involves filling out the registration form and a first payment into the account. The second part, 80 euros, is paid when the customer orders the Ultim card via his personal space.

This step is not insignificant: when the customer has a Boursorama Banque card, it must be used once a month. If he does not, he will be charged an inactivity fee. That said, online banking is once again very flexible on this point: all you have to do is make a transaction, with no minimum amount, for it to remain free. Note that it is equivalent to a Visa Premier, which is a luxury – since it is free and unconditional.

In the end, by opening an account and ordering your card, you will be able to receive 100 euros in welcome bonus. It will only take you a few minutes and you are not committed. We remind you that this is a very special opportunity since the online bank is organizing its operation called Pink Weekend during this long weekend.
Current account

Conditions: No income condition – Welcome and Ultim cards
Annual fee: €0 • Initial deposit: €300
Check deposit: ✔ • Cash deposit: ✘

Bank card

Monthly cost of the card: 0 €
Euro zone withdrawals: Free • Euro zone payments: Free
Foreign currency withdrawals: 1.69% • Foreign currency payments: Free

An extra online bank

If you want to try your hand at online banking, Boursorama Banque is the great reference. With more than 3 million customers (and a target of 4 million by the end of 2022), it has managed to find its audience. It offers a premium account and card accessible unconditionally and free of charge, as well as a wide range of banking products.

If we had to sum up Boursorama Banque, we could say that it has succeeded in bringing together the best of a neo-bank (UX), an online bank and a traditional bank. In the end, you will not be disoriented by the range of banking products (current account, savings, loans, investment) and at the same time, you will be able to enjoy an exceptional digital experience.

Either way, she wouldn’t need to offer a welcome bonus to attract new customers. However, online banking wants to go fast and this bonus will inevitably convince the most undecided to take the plunge. Boursorama Banque succeeded in winning more than 700,000 new customers in 2021, i.e. as many customers as with its first runner-up, Hello bank!…since its creation!

If you have a few minutes in front of you and you want to get 100 euros in bonus easily, now is the time to take advantage of it. The Pink Week-end is a great opportunity to put some butter in the spinach. You can then always test online banking and see if you want to make it your main account.

For those who wanted to open an account with Boursorama Banque in the weeks or months to come, you might as well do it now. It is very likely that we will then have to wait several weeks before seeing the Pink Weekend return. The 100 euro bonuses that are currently being promoted are so quick and easy to obtain that it is worth going for it.

To discover the Pink Weekend, it’s here:

I open a Boursorama account

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