There may be many reasons why you want to download an old operating system for your Mac. The main one is that you have acquired, for example, a Mac that is a few years old and you need the best macOS operating system for that model. However, although it seems that it can be an easy task, it can be complicated but not too much if you keep reading this post.

We are currently on the Monterey version of macOS. But that does not mean that you must have this operating system by legal imperative. That is what the company wants and deep down it has good reasons for it. But it is also true that there is a possibility that your Mac is not so modern and you cannot install it. You may even need to reverse the process and go back to an older macOS because the new one doesn’t work as it should. Whatever your excuse, yesAlways good to know where to find those old macOS.

What is clear is that if you have been using Mac for a long time, you will know how useful it is to keep a copy of each macOS as it is updated. Even when all of them were easily obtainable, they were still huge, making it much easier to use a local copy. Now, as of October 2019, any old macOS that you still have copies of will not run. You can’t install macOS from them because the security certificates on them have already expired.

Apple keeps older macOS installers but hides them

Apple keeps the latest older installers in the App Store, but it hides them from a simple search. You never see them on the list. You also couldn’t find them with a direct search. You had to read Apple’s support documentation before you could get a link that would magically open the installer on the App Store. Now, one very important thing must be taken into account:

While Apple admits Macs dating back more years than seems feasible, tthere will still be many computers that will never be able to update to Monterey or, of course, to Apple Silicon.

What we are going to propose is that so that you do not have to be searching and searching, We are going to leave you the links of the oldest installers right here: