Il Tempo della Spada: the new Quickstart “In the Vineyards of the Lord” is available

Although we are approaching the end of the year, the news for RPG fans is not over! In fact, it is in these days the news that The Time of the Sword, RPG set in the historical and legendary atmospheres of the Middle Ages, has made his available new Quickstart!

The Quickstart, an introductory guide to the game, is already available for free online and contains the updated rules and a new adventure entitled In the Vineyards of the Lord.

Il Tempo della Spada: the new Quickstart is available

Il Tempo della Spada is a role-playing game that will immerse us in the atmosphere of a fascinating historical period: i central centuries of the Middle Ages, those ranging from the Great Schism of 1054 to 1353 (Black Death). The GDR, made by Errico Borro And Ian Foss Hathaway, has been in playtest for some time and now comes with a completely revamped Quickstart, with updated rules and character sheets.

Genoa, 1304. At the bedside of a renowned doctor, a group of adventurers receives a request for help that will involve him in a mission against time in the alleys of the Superba. In the Vigne del Signore the new Quickstart of Il Tempo della Spada, the RPG with a medieval setting returns with a new edition and a new adventure. In the volume you will find everything you need to start playing: the basic mechanics of the regulation, the rules on values, oratory and combat, a first description of magic in the Middle Ages, a section dedicated to the Magister and the beautiful illustrations by Bruno Farinelli, Pietro Bastas, Moreno Paissan, Angela Gubert, Fabio Porfidia.

The Quickstart In the Vineyards of the Lord is already available for free in digital format on the website of Epoké editions and is therefore perfect for organizing a nice end-of-year session!

We had already played a one-shot de The Time of the Sword and now we are more than curious to discover the news of this new Quickstart. Download it and let us know yours!

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