Install Windows 11 without a compatible CPU? Beware of the warranty

The fact that Microsoft is certifying any PC based on very acceptable minimum requirements, but that on the other hand it does not guarantee compatibility with more than capable processors shows the problems to which we are going to be subjected shortly. And is that if you manage to pass the cut required by Redmond you will have to be careful, because if your PC suffers damage …

Microsoft, justified fear or warning to encourage purchases?

We cannot deny that the requirement of TPM 2.0 be by module or by firmware under the pretext of security is hardly acceptable for obvious reasons. But on top of that it is more difficult to digest if we see that we only need a CPU of two cores at 1 GHz, 64 GB space on SSD or HDD and at least 4 GB RAM to run it correctly.

Yes, it is true that you need Secure Boot and TPM 2.0 as additions, but it is that either we are in a generation of processors with more than 6 years or this is really difficult not to be able to fulfill it. Indistinctly, we may succeed, that we comply with all this, but still our CPU is not on the compatible list. Will you be able to install Windows 11? Yes, but at your responsibility and risk, because Microsoft washes its hands on the use and warranty of it and your PC.

Discord notice: your Windows 11 PC without warranty (if it fails)

The guarantee of a product is precisely in case it fails, as long as we comply with the limited conditions of the same obviously. Well now Microsoft in a new notice in the latest build of Windows 11 as a preview has slipped the following message:

East PC does not meet the minimum requirements to run Windows 11. These requirements are to ensure a higher quality and more reliable experience. It is not recommended to install Windows 11 on this PC as it may cause problems with compatibility. If you continue with the installation of Windows 11, your PC will no longer be supported and you will not be able to receive updates either. Damages to your PC due to lack of compatibility are not covered by the manufacturer’s warranty. By selecting “Accept”, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this message.

That Microsoft does not offer updates despite meeting all the minimum requirements including security is enough to make them look for the simple fact of not including our CPU in their list based on a malfunction of the supposed new kernel, but leave it to our Pc no warranty for crashing your OS… Difficult to digest as little.

In the first place and as they say “wash their hands”, but also the warning as such supposedly voids the warranty of the components that fail. Difficult to prove in any case that it has been due to software, but more than one will make you doubt whether to install it or not, forcing you to have two options: change your PC and checkout, or stay with your current operating system or change to Linux.

Is it a simple intimidation to user? Is there really danger that our PC fails and breaks? On October 5 we will know.

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