Jungle Cruise 2 will take place, the film will have a sequel

Last weekend, Jungle Cruise, the latest film to land at Disney’s theaters, surpassed $ 187 million at the international box office, helping to make it a real success (also considered the hybrid distribution with Disney + Premier Access). The Mickey Mouse Studio has therefore decided to award the film by turning it into a franchise and, according to The Hollywood Reporter, has already given the green light for a sequel: Jungle Cruise 2.

Disney will make Jungle Cruise 2

Disney will bring both Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Emily Blunt back to the set of the new Jungle Cruise. The two actors will in fact reprise their roles, namely those of Frank Wolff and doctor Lily Houghton. News that shouldn’t surprise us too much, given their palpable chemistry on the big screen and the power the stars wielded on social media to sell the first film. Michael Green, who wrote the first film, appears to be writing the script for the sequel once again.

Director Jaume Collet-Serra is also expected to return for Jungle Cruise 2, along with the production team of John Davis, John Fox, Beau Flynn, Dany Garcia, Hiram Garcia and Dwayne Johnson. Scott Sheldon will be executive producer again.

The anticipated announcement of the sequel to Jungle Cruise

Nowadays, with an ongoing pandemic and with people still reluctant to go to the movies, the parameters of success are a little different from the past and, all things considered, Jungle Cruise is certainly proving to be a much bigger success than many other films distributed in the same way.

For those who follow Johnson on social media, the announcement of the Jungle Cruise sequel is anything but unexpected. The actor and producer actually appeared on Instagram last week to share some stories during the Jungle Cruise press tour (as he did when Johnson appeared on Jungle Cruise’s Disney attraction), joking that “big news ”Were coming.

Now we know what he was referring to.

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