
Morbius, the antihero of the Spider-man universe, is very close

When the production company got the rights to spider-manduring the time when Marvel was selling them off to survive, also got the rights to the villains and characters that appeared in those comics.

And while spider-man is that son of divorcees with whom they finally seem to have agreed between Marvel Studios and Sony, the rest of the characters in the comics of Spidey they are not so clear.

The point is that, with the film of Venom and its sequel, Sony has triumphed at the box office and now come back with Morbius to try to repeat the result. As you will see, they have not chosen the protagonist at random, since he has many similarities.

Who is Morbius?

The character of Morbius

When we say that they want to repeat the Venom it is not on a whim. Morbius is also a character who first appeared as a villain and rival from spider-man in 1971, in number 101 of The Amazing Spider-Man.

It was created by Gil Kane at the behest of Stan Lee and was nicknamed the living vampire.

But nevertheless, over time, the character evolved into a dark anti-hero much in the style of Venom. That is why Sony has chosen the closest thing to Veneno, to see if the success is repeated.

In the comics, Michael Morbius grew up as a child. afflicted with a rare disease that made him weak and marginalized. Together with Emil Nikols, his only friend, they dedicate themselves to finding the cure for the ailment, researching with vampire blood, which leads them to win the Nobel Prize.

Following an experiment that mixes with electricity, Morbius becomes a pseudo-vampire with super strength and ability to heal, which adds to the great intelligence he already has. Furthermore, he develops claws, fangs and a monster appearance when he transforms to his vampiric state.

The problem is control his hunger for human bloodwhich you need to maintain yourself and whose withdrawal causes you anguish and pain.

That conflict and trying to fit into a world that turns its back on him are the main motivations of the character in his stories.

What is the film about

Jared Leto as Morbius

The film, from what we have been able to see from the trailers, narrates the origin of Morbius in a way that seems quite faithful to what we have told you, Nobel Prize included. The discovery of his powers, and the dark side that they entail, is a main part of the plot.

Morbius, moreover, will face Loxias Crown in the moviealiases Hunger (Hunger) in the comics.

Crown, in the wake of Morbius’s experiments, became also turns into a pseudo-vampire with powers similar to those of the hero.

When is Morbius released?

Due to the pandemic, the film of Morbius has seen its release date changed up to seven times. Finally, it seems that things are clarified and it will reach all cinemas in Spain on April 1, 2022.

Who gets out: the cast and characters

At casting we have new characters and actors who join the universe of superheroes, but also an old acquaintancewhich will be the point of union of Morbius with the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the movies of spider-man.

  • Jared Leto plays Dr. Michael Morbiuswho will become a vampire with a thirst for blood that is difficult to control.
  • Adria Arjona plays Martine Bancroft, Morbius’ fiancee. In the comics, she ends up being one of her victims and a vampire. We will see in the movie.
  • Jared Harris plays Emil Nikolasa scientist, mentor and caretaker of Morbius.
  • Matt Smith plays the villain of the film, Loxias Crown. In the comics he was a Hydra scientist, but we’ll see if they connect that much with the MCU, it’s not likely.
  • Michael Keaton appears to reprise his role as vulturethe villain that we already saw in Spider-Man: Homecoming.

Which gives for an important question about the movie Morbius…

How does Morbius fit in with the MCU?

Michael Keaton in Morbius

Good question. spider-man and his villains are from Sony and he is not going to let them go. However, we go through a peaceful time of collaboration, where Peter Parker is still in loan mode for the MCU.

So the events of Morbius occur within the Marvel Universethe same as that of spider-man Y The Avengers.

The connection point would be, as we have already said, with Michael Keaton’s characterwho plays Adrian Toomes (aka vulture) the first villain of the films of spider-man with Tom Holland as Peter Parker.

In the trailer, Toomes meets Morbius casually and tells him that they should keep in touch. Dressed in a lab coat, it is anyone’s guess as to exactly why they are meeting, what relationship they have, or what has happened to Toomes. Perhaps he has reformed and has put his knowledge at the service of science.

however yes there is another detail that connects with the UCM and gives an indication of where it would be located within the timeline of the Marvel Universe. Morbius walks past a poster of spider-man that has a graffiti that says killer (assassin).

Morbius and the Spider-Man poster

That could be a key clue that would indicate that the film is temporarily located after Spider-Man: Far from Homethe graffiti being probably a reference to Mysterio’s death in his confrontation with Peter Parker.

Now, as always and with the multiverses, Morbius could take place in a timeline in which spider-man it’s evil. It’s not like that or kidding, but they have free field to explain what they want or ignore it.

Some details you should know

Morbius and Blade

While we’ll have to wait for the film’s release to find out the focus and details of the cinematic Morbius, here are a few interesting things you should know about the character.

  • Morbius is called the living vampire because is transformed because of a scientific experiment, not being supernaturally resurrected after death. In fact, that’s why we often refer to him as a pseudo-vampire.
  • For the same reason, Morbius is not affected by classic items like garlic or crosses.
  • Traditional vampires and werewolves have also appeared throughout Marvel comics. Interestingly, Morbius was included after the change in the Comic Code and the lifting of the ban on monsters of this type appearing in cartoons, so as not to corrupt or frighten children too much. They were different times.
  • We almost saw Morbius as evil in Blade II. After insinuating it in the first film of Bladebut the plan was not followed through.

As you can see, the story of Morbius has many more details than it seems at first glance. We will see what treatment Sony gives it and if they are successful again and we will see a parade of evil and anti-heroes from spider-man for the big screen.

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