
Nintendo tracks down fan-made Pokémon FPS videos

Dragon_GameDev has made a small FPS game where the goal is to hunt Pokémon in their wild state. If it may seem a little violent at first, the title has attracted a small crowd of curious people, to the point of going back to Nintendo’s ears. The Japanese firm did not really appreciate the gesture and had all posts about the game deleted.

Pokemon FPS
Credits: Dragon_GameDev

At the beginning of the year, Dragon_GameDev, user of Reddit and developer of video games in his spare time, set himself a challenge: to produce one game per month during 2022. The first of them is none other than a Pokémon game, which he created using the Unreal Engine. Owl, you will say, a pokemon in 3d! Maybe even the open world fans have been waiting for so long? Almost. In reality, Dragon_GameDev opted for a more “direct” solution. He realised an FPS where the goal is to shoot small creatures .

A bit barbaric therefore, but, it must be admitted, quite fun to believe the multiple videos he posted on his social networks. His followers are not mistaken because, quickly, the project is gaining popularityand thus brings together a small community eager to see the final version of the game. Unfortunately, there is a chance that it will never see the light of day. Indeed, Nintendo has been there. And, as we know, Nintendo does not really like to play with its intellectual properties.

Related: Pokémon Sword and Shield’s Most Elusive Pokémon Caught in Just 10,679 Tries

Nintendo removes all content from this indie game

It is a story that resembles, once again, that of David against Goliath. Except that this time, David doesn’t really have a chance of winning. Over time, Nintendo has built a solid reputation for pirated content tracker, in particular thanks (because?) of the affair which opposed it to RomUniverse.

However, Dragon_GameDev has not yet violated any intellectual property laws. This did not prevent the Japanese firm from doing Delete all posts containing images of the game.

Except fora single post on Reddit, it is no longer possible to see the progress of the developer’s project. Surprisingly enough, Nintendo does not seem to pursue with the same aggressiveness the fake Pokémon cards that abound on the market and that cause their buyers to lose millions.

Source: Reddit

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