From time to time, in social networks they make viral paranormal publications. Videos that don’t have a logical explanation no matter how many times you hit the ‘play’ button. A few days ago, a video of hundreds of birds falling from the sky in Cuauhtemoc, Mexico. The harsh images were captured by a security camera. People did not hesitate to develop their own hypotheses on social networks. But… what do the experts think about it?
Some birds fall from the sky in Mexico: is there any explanation?
It happened last morning February 7th. A flock of several hundred yellow headed blackbirds fell from the sky to the ground with great violence. Many died, and others managed to take flight only a few meters from impacting the surface. The first hypotheses pointed out that it was due to the pollution levels from the city. It was the opinion of a local veterinarian, who made a statement to The Herald of Chihuahuathe first newspaper in the world to pick up the news.
According to this first testimony, it could be due to the conjunction between the contamination produced by the firewood, the low temperature and the agrochemical products present in the air. On the other hand, a large group of social network users pointed out that surely, It would be a 5G thing. Halfway there are those who believe that the animals could have been electrocuted while sleeping on the power lines. If you want to see the video, we warn you that it is hard.
Security footage shows a flock of yellow-headed blackbirds drop dead in the northern Mexican state of Chihuahua
— Reuters (@Reuters) February 14, 2022
No 5G: the phenomenon falls within normality
Well, it seems that none of these are right. Dr Richard Broughton, an ecologist at the UK Center for Ecology and Hydrology, almost certainly believes that it was a bird of prey Who caused this phenomenon? According to this expert, birds of this species usually breed in the United States and Canada. However, they often migrate south to spend the winter in Mexico.
Broughton says that a bird like the Peregrine falcon it is capable of pursuing and forcing down an entire flock of prey. No birds of prey can be seen in the images, but the ecologist says he is 99% sure to have solved the mystery. In fact, he says that the key is to see that they act like a wave at first, as if they were thrown from above.
As collected Guardianthe Dr Alexander Lees, Senior Lecturer in Conservation Biology at Manchester Metropolitan University also agree with Broughton. According to this other expert, birds react this way not because of environmental pollutants, but because of follow your instinct: «with a very tight flock, the birds follow the movements of the one in front out of fear instead of scattering sideways. It is not uncommon for phenomena like this to occur from time to time.”. On the other hand, there was also a similar case in December 2019 in Anglesey, Wales. In that case, 225 starlings crashed to the asphalt after being chased by a predatory bird and failed to take off in time.