OVHcloud sues Microsoft for monopoly in the EU

French cloud computing company OVHcloud has filed a monopoly lawsuit against Microsoft before the European Unionclaiming that your software doesn’t work as well on other cloud services as in those developed by those of Redmond. According to the Wall Street Journal, the French company alleges that the way in which Microsoft licenses its office automation software and other products can make it more expensive for companies to use cloud services other than Microsoft Azure.

In the lawsuit, filed last summer but not made public until now, OVHcloud alleges that due to the aforementioned facts, other cloud services may find it more difficult to compete with Microsoft, since its software works less well with other platforms. For this reason, the company considers that “Microsoft weakens fair competition and limits the possibilities of choice in the market for cloud computing services” by abusing its dominant position.

OVHcloud has not acted alone, as has filed its lawsuit jointly with several companies, although it is unknown what they are, since OVHcloud has not revealed their names. It is only known that they also operate on the territory of the European Union. As for Microsoft, it neither confirms nor denies that it was notified of the OVHcloud complaint. It only ensures that other cloud companies in Europe are building successful businesses using their products.

This is because in lawsuits brought before the European Commission, the plaintiffs remain anonymous until the usual procedure in these cases is quite advanced, and the names of the entities or individuals who filed the lawsuit are known to the defendants several months later. of your entry into the system.

For now it is not known if the European Commission plans to investigate the OVHcloud lawsuit in depth, or if it is going to dismiss it. But given how much time has passed since his introduction, he will likely make a decision soon.

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