So you can share the lyrics of a song on Apple Music

Apple Music has managed, over time, to be the great rival of the green giant of streaming music, Spotify. It has achieved this through the good user experience that it provides, and obviously, thanks to the functions that the application itself presents. Therefore, in this post we are going to tell you how you can share the lyrics of a specific part of a song through Apple Music.

In the comparison of Spotify with Apple Music, this first has gained ground that Apple’s service is gradually cutting thanks to the different functions that Apple’s streaming music platform is incorporating. From the outset, those from Cupertino have already managed to have a catalog of songs that brings together a greater number of these than those that Spotify has, and although the difference in the number of users is still great, the reality is that those people who once to day they work with Apple devices, they usually opt for Apple Music before Spotify.

The reason for this is that the platform of the Cupertino company integrates wonderfully with all its products, and above all, with the HomePod, but Apple is also introducing new really interesting functions that, although they do not have a great impact on the experience, they do add details so that users feel comfortable within the platform. One of these functions is the possibility provided by Apple Music of being able to share, through different channels, a part of the lyrics of a song, making the person you send it to listen to that piece of song that, surely, you want to dedicate

Steps to do it on iPhone and iPad

This function is really hidden within Apple Music, since on very few occasions Apple has manifested its presence and encouraged users to make use of it. However, the steps to follow to be able to share the lyrics of a part of the song are really simple, and in a few seconds you will be able to send that special phrase to whoever you want. Here we tell you how to do it on both the iPhone and the iPad.

  1. Open the Music app on your device.
  2. choose the song what you want
  3. Click on the button that opens the letter of the song, located at the bottom left of the screen.
  4. hold the phrase of the song you want to share.
  5. Choose the medium through which you want to share it. You can do it through the different messaging services, social networks and even AirDrop.

Unfortunately, this function not available on all Apple devices, surprisingly. And it is that the computers of the Cupertino company do not have this option available within the macOS music application. We assume that it will be something that Apple will modify in future updates, so that those who want to carry out this process through their computer also have the possibility to do so.

Finally, you have to know that the person to whom you send the letter you have chosen, will be able to play that part of the song first, as well as you can also access the entire title through Apple Music. Of course, you have to take into account that the other person must also be a user of this platform.

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