Terrifier 2 causes vomiting and fainting in theaters, what the hell is it about?

Have you ever gone to the movies and regretted it within a few minutes of entering the room? Something like this has happened to the brave who have gone to see terrier 2 in United States. What should have been just another horror movie has become a viral phenomenon due to the vomiting and fainting that are taking place in theaters. And, although many know that there is a high probability of throwing the pota in full projection, it seems that this, and no other, has become the great attraction of the film.

What is terrier 2?

Halloween is coming up, so it’s no wonder that this time of year we see a few more horror movie releases than usual. Every October, horror lovers often debate the best premiere of the genre. Maybe terrier 2 It may not be a masterpiece –although it has very good ratings on Rotten Tomatoes–, but it is being the feature film that is being talked about the most.

Terrier 2 is the Damien Leone film sequel that premiered on television in 2016. It is a film of terror of the subgenre slasher. It seems that many viewers have not seen the first installment —it is available on Amazon Prime Video and also on Filmin—, because if they had, they surely would not have put on any number in the cinema of their cities.

These two films focus on the clown art, a sinister and diabolical being that chases teenagers during Halloween night. They are movies with a very high content in gorythis being its main attraction.

No popcorn. Better take a bag (just in case)

Apparently, theater employees have had enough of cleaning up the vomit of people who can’t stand the intensity of the film’s images. During screenings, it seems like it’s quite common for people to even faint.

As if that were not enough, what is happening with terrier 2 is becoming a kind of viral phenomenon. Those who hear about the possible side effects of seeing this movie are moved to buy a ticket with their friends and gauge their reactions.

Remember what we said above about the bag? It is not that we have taken the joke out of our sleeves to make ourselves funny. Some rooms in which it has already been released terrier 2have decided to give a small souvenir in the form of plastic bag to customers passing through the room in which the aforementioned horror film is projected.

Is it for that much? Will you be able to hold the trailer?

Here comes the big question. People also left by ambulance after Passion of Christand probably, it was not such a big deal –at least, for those of us who have seen Christian iconography since we were little–.

We don’t know if terrier 2 will be released in cinemas in Spain —or if it will end up being shown only in theaters X as happened with Saw SAW—. In the meantime, you can take a look at trailerthat we already anticipated that it’s disgustingbut not as much as they paint it to us.

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