
The Bayonetta 3 controversy leaves us with very valuable lessons and a dose of harsh reality

Last weekend Hellena Taylor broke her silence and explained why she hadn’t voiced Bayonetta 3. Initially Platinum Games made us believe that everything was due to scheduling problems, but this was a lie, Taylor’s absence was due to significant discrepancies with the remuneration the studio offered her for lending her voice again to the well-known Umbra witch.

It’s such a simple topic that it can be summed up in a paragraph, according to Hellena Taylor from Platinum Games offered $4,000 for all the dubbing of Bayonetta 3a figure that seemed an insult to her considering her training and professionalism, and also because the franchise has generated around 450 million dollars, depending on the bender.

Taylor tried to negotiate with Hideki Kamiya, president of Platinum Games, but in the end there was no luck and everything ended with Jennifer Hale doing the dubbing job for Bayonetta 3. She is the new voice of the protagonist, but the controversy that all this has generated has not only not been resolved, but has also given us an important dose of reality and a series of very important lessons.

I want to focus precisely on those aspects, on the dose of reality and the lessons that the Taylor-Bayonetta case has given us, because in the end I think that is the most important of all thisand in the least the media that have given the latest information have deepened, since they have only stayed on the surface of the matter.

Bayonetta 3 and the importance of valuing yourself as a professional

Bayonetta 3

It’s one of the biggest keys to all of this, and I applaud Hellena Taylor for it, for being valued as a professional and for daring to raise his voice uncovering a clear injustice even knowing that he could get into trouble because of an NDA that had been imposed on him.

In recent years it is a subject that has become an all too common evil. We tend to underestimate our professionalismour abilities and our work because we believe that there are many people who can replace us, and that if we don’t jump through the hoop and accept insignificant offers someone else will come and do it and we will be left with nothing.

The Taylor case is an example of this, and of everything that is wrong in this world. Unfortunately, everything we said in the previous paragraph has been fulfilled, since Taylor has lost the role of Bayonetta 3 for valuing herself as a professional, and Hale has replaced her without thinking twice. Is what Hale has done wrong? Not strictly speaking, but this is a problem for all professionals who have been fighting for years to be properly valued, and it is something that other colleagues of Taylor’s profession have highlighted in numerous tweets of support.

That Taylor has received so much support, and that so many colleagues in the profession have recognized that they are very poorly paidare things that say a lot in favor of Bayonetta’s voice, and help us understand the deep indignation she felt when Platinum Games refused to offer her a retribution more in line with the success of the franchise, and the capabilities of this actress.

From this dose of reality we can draw important lessons. The first is that we are at a point where many companies they do not know how to value talent properly, and in the end they only see the numbers that fit them, and that interest them. Secondly, we have the issue of the fierce competition that exists at a professional level, and that in the end is counterproductive because it prevents them from achieving their goals when it comes to improving things as important as pay and the conditions of their contracts. It’s the classic if you don’t do it for this money, someone else will, and that’s how it is.

Thirdly, we have another important lesson, and that is that it seems that some even bother that Taylor has been valued as a professional, since this actress has also received negative criticism for being publicly exposed. What can I say, I find it very sad. If we all valued ourselves properly and if we did not accept “insulting” conditions or remuneration, the world would be a better place, and we would put an end to that kind of culture of “paid slavery” that has been imposed in some professional sectors.

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