The behavior of workers influences the development of certain skills

Programmers continue to be at the forefront in the demand for jobs and in 2021 they have been the most sought after employees. Nevertheless, only 9.6% of Spaniards they show behavioral profiles oriented to this position. This is indicated by the techno-human company Nawaiam, oriented to the gamification of human resources and the analysis of behavioral profiles, after conducting a study to find out what is the gap between the supply and demand of professional profiles.

From the sample obtained, views are given off regarding the most and least prevalent profiles regarding motivation / ease or demotivation / effort to naturally develop certain competencies.

A deficit of programmers

The study, which reflects that only 9.64% of people have within their behavioral profile a result-oriented style and solving challenging problems, is totally related to the number of positions that remain to be filled by programmers.

This data focuses on one of the great challenges of the labor market in the 21st century: finding professionals oriented to solving complex problems. Not by chance, the WEF ranks this skill (complex problems solving) as the third most demanded in the job market of the future.

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Recently, a report by the newspaper ABC of Spain indicates that in that country, the labor market requires about 400,000 programmers.

In addition, a study carried out on LinkedIn identified an increase in the labor demand of software developers globally, reaching the first place among the most demanded positions in Spain.

And, as if all this were not enough, Facebook has just begun the search for 10,000 programmers to develop the technology of its recently announced addition to the metaverse, a technology that Nawaiam is also making forays into heading into 2022.

A strong teamwork orientation

In addition, the study, which was carried out on a base of 35,000 people distributed in 15 countries, yielded results on the profiles most offered in the labor market. In this way, the trend indicates that 57% of the participants present an indirect style, aversion to risk and conflict, are cautious and demonstrate teamwork skills in environments with a good work environment.

This is particularly interesting if we consider that the top 10 skills for the future of work presented by the World Economic Forum in 2020 highlight leadership, social influence and teamwork.

In this sense, the study also identified that there is a preponderant trend of 59.37% towards a people-oriented style, sociable, who will seek social recognition, acceptance by others.

This is consistent with different qualitative studies carried out on the millennial generation in the workplace and the importance they assign to public recognition by their peers. Understanding these trends is essential to successfully navigate today’s job market.

Nawaiam aims to change the world of human resources by incorporating technological innovation and data science. Through the experience of a 15-minute video game, the company develops behavioral profiles of users with 89% accuracy.

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