The best iPhone apps of this 2021, do you have them all?

The top free app for iOS devices

We can find many apps to check the weather on the iPhone and very good ones. Alpenglow: Sunset Forecasts It is one of the surprises of the year by sneaking into the ranking as one of the public’s favorites for functions such as activating notifications and reminders or enjoying a nice widget. Of course, some of its functions are additional payment. (Ambien) However, it offers a very wide interface full of information at a glance and from its free version.

TikTok It had already been going strong years ago, but 2020 and what we have been in 2021 has pointed it to be one of the most popular social networks, overshadowing even heavyweights like Instagram. If you’ve lived under a rock this long and don’t know what it’s about, TikTok offers a TimeLine packed with short video clips with content of all kinds, from classic musical choreographies to humorous videos and cooking recipes.

To Good To is a curious application that will help you avoid food waste. How? Well, in the purest style of applications to order food at home, since it is possible to find all kinds of establishments that deliver at home or in take away mode with extremely competitive prices and avoiding food waste. In addition to having an environmental commitment to reduce CO2 emissions that is also to be taken into account.

And what are the best paid apps?

TouchRetouch is an app that we already told you about once as it is, at least in our opinion, the best app to remove unwanted objects from photos. For just over 2 euros it has become one of the public’s favorites to make your photos look perfect without a trace of those annoying elements of the images.

For its part, AutoSleep It is another of the favorites and especially for those who in addition to iPhone have an Apple Watch. It is capable of monitoring our sleep in a very accurate way, offering different statistics and graphs with which to know our night health. Much more complete than the native app that Apple has for it. Its price? 4.49 euros forever and without subscriptions of any kind.

And close the list a classic in note applications as it is GoodNotes 5. This application costs 8.99 euros and is multiplatform, that is, it is also available on iPad and Mac. It offers a complete interface to take all kinds of notes, from quick notes and shopping lists to school notes. The fact that it is one of the most downloaded every year speaks highly of its simplicity and functionality.

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