The concept of smart homes goes a step further with the launch of Matter 1.0

The concept of ‘smart home’ is already a reality in many homes. According to Statista, smart speakers occupy a large part of the investment in families, followed by security cameras, large and small appliances. But how to achieve better communication between all these devices?

The release of Matter 1.0 has been one of the most anticipated. Is about a universal or standard connection protocol that allows interaction between the different devices that are at home and are of different brands. For example, Amazon Echo or Google Assistant. Thanks to Matter 1.0, connectivity problems are put to an end, achieving a more efficient management of the home.

How does Matter 1.0 work?

Matter 1.0 works thanks to the WIFI network and has the Thread protocol. This will require home connectivity devices to release compatibility updates so that users can use Matter 1.0 without limits. Thus, through Thread you can interact with Alexa, Google Home, Homekit, among others.

A) Yes, From one place, you can easily manage a home. The switching on and off of lights, or the opening and closing of blinds will be carried out in a more efficient way so that the end user enjoys greater comfort and saves time. Well, this is what Matter 1.0 wanted to achieve.

Despite the advantages that Matter 1.0 presents, there are also certain disadvantages. Let’s start with the first. For starters, it’s unconcern about compatibility, since this will not be a problem. Of course, those aforementioned updates must be developed, something that we may see in the short term, much sooner than expected.

Another advantage is that Matter 1.0 already includes the lights and blinds indicated above, as well as the management of smart thermostats, plugs and switches., sensors, locks, multimedia devices and televisions. A whole amalgam of needs that it manages to cover and that will allow better comfort for users who, from a single place, will be able to manage all the elements of domestic connectivity.

But what about the disadvantages of Matter 1.0? Please note that this is a first release, so there are still features that cannot be performed. We are referring to security cameras or vacuum robots that are not yet part of the possibilities offered by Matter 1.0. However, it is expected that this will be possible very soon, something that we have no doubt will happen.

In 2026 the number of smart home devices will grow

Going back to the Statista data, it seems that there will be an exponential growth until 2026, at which time a large part of the homes will have smart home devices and, probably, with Matter 1.0. This protocol is a novelty and represents an advance for the efficient management of a home without limitationsobstacles and without compatibility problems.

Companies will be the first to test Matter 1.0. We will have to wait a little longer to see it in homes, however, the speed at which technology advances will shorten these times. Access to remote functions, savings, improvement of the activity of household appliances, etc., is possible thanks to a smart home.

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