The definitive guide to know if an iPhone is original

If you’re looking to buy an iPhone, it’s important to make sure it’s a original apple device and not an imitation. Fortunately, in this article we are going to explain all the methods you can use to check if an iPhone is original.

Check the serial number of the device

Every iPhone has a unique serial number that can be found on the original iPhone box or in the device’s settings. You can check the iPhone serial number on the official Apple website to make sure the device is authentic.

To check the iPhone serial number, follow these steps:

  • On the iPhone home screen, select “Settings”.
  • Select “General”.
  • Select “Information”.
  • Find the serial number on the list and write it down.
  • Go to the following Apple website:
  • Enter the serial number and follow the instructions.

If the iPhone serial number is missing from Apple’s database or showing incorrect information, the device is most likely not authentic.

Check the operating system of the device in detail

The operating system of an original iPhone is iOS. If the device you are considering buying does not have iOS installed, it is a fake.

You can check the operating system version of the iPhone by going to “Settings”, then “General” and “About”. The operating system version must match the latest version of iOS available for that iPhone model or else you must allow upgrading to the latest version available for that model.

You should also pay attention to details, if the device you are looking at has some layer of customization that allows to modify the interface probably the device you have in your hands is not original.

Examine the design and quality of the device

One of the easiest ways to tell if an iPhone is original is to check its appearance. Original iPhones are made of high-quality materials and look impeccable.

Original iPhones have a rugged glass or aluminum casing on the back and a high-quality screen. Letters and numbers on the device should appear sharp and clear, without any kind of distortion. The home button should also be solid and respond quickly.

If you notice any flaws in the quality of the materials, such as a poorly assembled screen or a case that doesn’t fit perfectly, it could be a sign that the device is fake.

Look at the box and the contents

Apple is known for its elegant and minimalist design in the presentation of its products. If the packaging for the iPhone you are considering buying looks different than the original Apple box or does not have the usual quality and finishing touches, this may be a sign that the device is not authentic.

Pay attention to the following features of iPhone packaging:

  • The box must be rectangular and of adequate size for the iPhone model.
  • The box should have an image of the iPhone at the top and a serial number at the bottom.
  • The box should have a sliding lid that fits the bottom of the box precisely.
  • The Apple logo must be printed on the top of the box.
  • The quality of the paper used in the packaging must be high and have a glossy finish.

Check the screen quality

Apple is known for the quality of its displays, which offer a exceptional resolution and clarity. If the iPhone you are considering buying has a blurry, poorly colored or unclear screen, this may be a sign that the device is not authentic. Also, you can compare the brightness and clarity of the screen with other authentic iPhones to determine if the device you are considering to buy has the same screen quality.

check the camera

The quality of the camera on an iPhone is one of the most important features of the device. The original iPhones have a high-quality camera that produces sharp and clear images.

To check the quality of the camera, open the camera app on the iPhone and take a few photos. The images must be clear and sharp, without any type of defect or distortion. You must verify front and rear camera to make sure they both work correctly.

Check the Apple logo

The Apple logo on an authentic iPhone is an iconic symbol of the brand and is easy to recognize. If the Apple logo on the device you are considering buying looks different from the usual Apple logo, this may be a sign that the device is not authentic. The Apple logo on an authentic iPhone should be sharp, clear, and well defined.

Be wary of crazy offers

Nobody is going to sell you the latest iPhone model for half of what it is worth on the Apple website. So if you find something similar to this, the chances are pretty high that it’s a fake iPhone or a scam. Ask for all the information you can from the seller and do not make any payment without having received the device before and have verified that it is original and works correctly.

Always ask for the purchase receipt

If you’re buying a new iPhone in a store or online, be sure to ask for a sales receipt that proves the device is original. If you are buying a second-hand iPhone, it may be more difficult for the seller to have such a receipt, but you still have nothing to lose by asking for it. If you are lucky and the seller still has it, it may be a good sign that the device is original.

If you carry out all these checks or at least most of them, you will have a much better chance of making sure that the device you are buying is original. It is important to be cautious when buying any electronic device. If you have any doubts about the authenticity of an iPhone, don’t hesitate to ask the seller or search online for more information before making a purchase.

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