the Disney star will be in the public domain

Despite the fact that on the Internet we can find multimedia digital content of all kinds, as a general rule its use tends to be limited to certain rights. This means that many of the photos and videos that we find have a copyright that limits their use, something that we must take into account. But over time these rights are also released, as in the case of this well-known character from Disney.

In fact, if we make personal use for our own projects or even related to the marketing of certain content such as images, we may have legal problems. When downloading photos from the Internet for later use in your own work, you should first be well informed about the copyright of those contents.

Otherwise and if we make commercial use of all of it, in the future we may find ourselves with complaints from its owners. This is something that most will probably not like. Yet over the years we have seen some very well-known and important elements released from copyright. And we are not only talking about photos, since this is equally extensible to other content such as movies, musical themes, literary works and much more.

Well, we are counting all this because there are users around the world belonging to multiple sectors, many of them related to design and the audiovisual sector, who are waiting for the next January 1, 2024. The reason for all this is that the first day of next year the rights expire. Steamboat WillieAlso known as Willie and the Steamboat.

You can use the image of Mickey Mouse freely

For those of you who don’t know, when we refer to the aforementioned title, we are talking about an animated short film from 1928, whose main protagonist was the beloved Mickey Mouse. We don’t need to explain the nature of one of the best-known animation characters in history.

With all this, what we really want to tell you is that from next January 1st we will have the possibility of using the image of this funny character in personal projects. In this way we can use Mickey Mouse so that it is part of our game development if we are programmers of this type of content, for example. Likewise, we will also have the possibility of using it in comics or 3D projects without any problem.

Of course, we must bear in mind that here we are referring to the rights of the original version of Mickey Mouse. These are the ones that will actually expire on January 1 of next year 2024. As for the rest of versions of this characterit is Disney that continues to own the rights.

In addition, to all this we can add that this is something that will be extended later to many other characters that have become extremely popular over the last decades. Here we refer to some popular ones known as the Lucas DuckSuperman or Bugs Bunny.

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