The Magallanes Elcano networking sessions promote entrepreneurship in Seville

Seville has recently hosted the first ´Social Entrepreneurship Networking Conference Magallanes Elcano´. The meeting, organized by the Magallanes Elcano Social Innovation Laboratory (LABME), has allowed a total of 30 social entrepreneurs and 20 experts in different subjects —representatives of administrations, universities, communication specialists and investors— exchange business ideas that foster the creation of new collaborative social entrepreneurship projects or the consolidation of existing projects.

“Our intention is to continue strengthening this community, the LABME Network, opening new routes for entrepreneurship in Spain, Portugal and Latin America that allow us to increase both the quantity and quality of projects that have the hallmark of social innovation inscribed in their DNA”, declared José Luis Muñoz, co-director of LABME. In fact, the meeting has made it possible to generate synergies, interconnections, cooperation and support among the participants, being linked to the III Magallanes Elcano International Congress that was held at CaixaForum Sevilla.

Promotion of the Junta de Andalucía

With the support of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports of the Junta de Andalucía and the collaboration of the Fundación Andalucía Emprende and the Guadalquivir Hydrographic Confederation, among other institutions, the event offered a space for debate in which Marcos Eguiguren, Senior Lecturer UPF-Barcelona School of Management, and Celia Díaz, delegate of the Tribuna de Andalucía and professor at Loyola University, to present the keys so that entrepreneurs can create and nurture relationships with different entities and make the most of these types of encounters.

Subsequently, with the aim of putting what they have learned into practice, work groups have been formed between experts and entrepreneurs. Next, the networking attendees visited the V Centenario Interpretation Center – First Around the World.

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LABME has already scheduled the next Networking event that will take place on November 3 in Commodore Rivadavia, Argentina. A new opportunity to generate dialogue and debate that will continue within the framework of the LABME Ecosystem, the entrepreneurial community promoted by LABME with the support of the Junta de Andalucía and other entities that allows mentors and investors specialized in Social Innovation to meet virtually with entrepreneurs.

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