If you like save on electricity bill, something fundamental is to control how much your devices spend. That will help you decide if you should lower or raise the temperature, use another program in the washing machine, adjust schedules, etc. In this article we tell you what devices you can use to find out how much electricity your appliances use at home, as well as some tips for choosing the right one to buy and that really meets what you expect.
You can use consumption meters, which are basically devices that you connect to any device and to electricity. From there, start calculating how much energy an appliance uses, such as a television, an oven, etc. But there are other options, as we are going to show you.
A smart plug shows consumption
The Wi-Fi plugs They not only serve to automate your home, but also help you save energy. They are very useful to know how much something you have connected to electricity consumes. Of course, not all of them have the current meter function, so you must choose one that is compatible.
What devices can you connect to a smart plug? Basically anyone. You just have to see that the model you have bought has enough capacity, since some are limited and if, for example, you plug in an oven or something that consumes a lot, it would not work. Overcome that obstacle, you will be able to connect anything.
The idea is power better control consumption of light. For example, you can connect appliances that consume a lot of resources, such as a washing machine, dishwasher, stove… These appliances usually have different modes or powers. For example, you could put the Eco mode in the washing machine so that it spends less. By using a plug of this type, with a consumption meter, you will be able to see how much you spend in each mode and thus compare.
Choosing the model is important
When you go to buy a smart plug, you will find many models available. Logically not all are the same. In fact, there are many that are going to be shoddy and really not going to live up to expectations. It is essential that you choose correctly, that you look at the ratings and comments of others who have previously purchased it.
You can see some interesting models:
Something essential is that these smart plugs allow a continuous monitoring. This will allow you to know at all times how much a device is consuming and you can analyze graphs. This way you will see, clearly, how consumption behaves depending on the mode you choose, when you lower or raise the temperature by one degree, etc.
It is also interesting that it has programming and timer. This will help you keep a particular device on for only as long as necessary. You will not have to be aware of turning it off, not even remotely, but it will turn itself off or on when the time you have configured arrives.
Another characteristic to take into account, although it is not essential, is that it has voice control. There are many models that are compatible with Alexa and Google Home, so this function is going to be available. You will be able to decide when to turn something on or off simply by using voice commands. It is important to avoid problems with Wi-Fi, so that it works well.
As you can see, if you want to control electricity consumption at home, something interesting is to have a smart plug. Of course, it is necessary that it be a model that has a consumption meter. In this way, you can easily analyze how much a specific device spends.