They will not spy on you again by WhatsApp, this is the new function that you must activate

The main objective of instant messaging applications is to be able to interact and communicate with our contacts immediately. However, everything related to privacy plays a very relevant role here, something that platform developers take maximum care of. This is something that can be extended to one of the most used proposals, such as WhatsApp.

The truth is that these messaging platforms offer us more advantages than disadvantages in most cases. Although initially focused on its use in mobile devices, little by little they are also reaching desktop computers. If we focus on everything related to the privacy and the security presented by the aforementioned WhatsApp, this is a section that is becoming more and more important. A clear example of all this can be found in the integrated end-to-end encryption function.

Thanks to this interesting feature, the user confidence in the application has grown ostensibly in recent times. Also, we have more and more control over the conversations or chats that we store here, which helps us maintain our privacy. At this point, it is worth noting that the developers of this application do not stop working and improving it. This is something much appreciated by most regular users.

In addition, it is worth knowing that many of the novelties that arrive over time are based on User requests and comments. This is precisely the case that concerns us in these lines and that we are going to tell you about. First of all, we will tell you that one of the biggest demands of WhatsApp customers in terms of privacy has now arrived.

This is how WhatsApp improves our privacy

Specifically, we refer to the addition related to the online status check. This is a change that has already begun to be seen in the beta version of the WhatsApp application. Keep in mind that over time this is a function that has generated a lot of controversy on this platform. This is something that would join the criticism of the icons that indicate if the messages have been delivered and read.

With this, what we want to tell you is that over the years there have been complaints from users who do not want their contacts to see when they are connected. Well, it looks like this is finally coming to an end. We say all this because in the latest beta version of WhatsApp for Android, this concern has been resolved. Finally, those responsible for the platform have addressed it with the arrival of functions that limit who can see our status.

These new settings give us the option to limit the contacts that will see when were we last online. At the same time they have implemented the option to limit who can see our last connection status. Here we find several options to control this section: all, my contacts, my contacts except some, or nobody.

On the other hand, regarding the Online status, we only have the option of allowing everyone to see this data, or use the same configuration that we mentioned before the last connection.

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