Things you can do with 3D Touch and you didn’t know

3D Touch is a feature that came with the iPhone 6s and has a variety of uses. Many users are unaware that it exists, some dislike it and some love it. However, there are few who use it on a daily basis despite the fact that it has very interesting functions, such as the ones that we tell you about in this post.

This technology created by Apple several years ago is quite useful, but it may not get much use. And it is that although many users know of its existence, there will be certain things that can be done with this technology with which you can save a lot of time opening applications and with a simple touch have everything more at hand. And it is that in many apps a menu opens with many options with which to save time so as not to necessarily have to open that app.

Tips to get more out of 3D Touch

  • Scan a document: in the latest versions of iOS you can scan documents with the camera and the “Notes” app. To start this process you can do two things: open the application or use 3D Touch. With the second, the procedure is shortened, since one of the options is just to scan. In addition to digitizing a document, with this function you can create a new note, task list or take a photo to attach it later.
  • Send your location: sending your location to your contacts has never been easier and simpler than with 3D Touch. You just have to activate it on the “Maps” app icon and click on the “Send my location” option. A list of apps you can send location with will then open. It also gives you the ability to search for nearby locations or bookmark your current location.
  • Take a selfie or scan a QR code: You no longer have to open the Camera app every time you want to take a photo or scan a QR code. Using 3D Touch on the application icon will open a dropdown menu that will give you those possibilities. When you go to scan a QR code, the camera will recognize it and a notification will appear with the link to the website or application.

  • Keyboard as Trackpad: a feature that’s especially useful if you often edit text on your iPhone or write really long messages. If you activate 3D Touch anywhere on the keyboard, the letters will disappear and the surface will act as a Trackpad. You will be able to navigate anywhere in the text to make changes. If you want to select text, tap again to choose a word or double tap to select a sentence or paragraph.
  • Activate a Siri Shortcut: Siri Shortcuts are one of the biggest new features of the iOS 12 operating system. This app allows you to create shortcuts or workflows with the press of a button or ask Siri with a voice command. If you have the Siri Shortcuts app installed on your iPhone, you can use 3D Touch to see your main shortcuts, create a new one, or view the gallery of available ones.

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