
This is the difference in electricity consumption between a laptop and a desktop PC

Light consumption of a laptop vs desktop

The first thing to keep in mind is that there may be differences more or less marked depending on the computer model you use, whether it is laptop or desktop. That is, you can have an old desktop that spends much more than a more current one. The same goes for a laptop. Logically the most modern are more optimized and consume less.

But if we compare a desktop computer and a laptop with similar characteristics and from the same era, laptops will consume less electricity. In fact, a desktop can perfectly consume twice as much as a common laptop. They are less optimized devices, with a power supply that requires more resources. After all, laptops are also made with the idea that the battery lasts longer, while a desktop will always be plugged in.

However, the key point of all is the screen. A desktop computer has an external screen, while a laptop has it integrated. That desktop computer screen is what will consume the most. And there also comes into play the fact of consuming more or less, since not all screens are the same. The current LED screens are the ones that consume the least.

In general terms, a desktop computer will consume 80-120 W while a laptop will consume 40-80 W. It will depend on several factors, but to give you an approximate idea. Therefore, as you can see, a desktop computer will consume much more than a laptop.

Light consumption of a laptop

What factors influence consumption

Now we are going to talk about some important points that will affect the electricity consumption of a computer. It does not matter if it is a laptop or a desktop, since in both cases we are going to see a difference in electricity costs depending on certain factors that can be differential.

One of them is the screen. This is what you will consume the most. If you use a modern, energy-efficient and LED screen, you will spend less. It will also logically influence the screen size, so the more inches you have, the more consumption. In addition, the brightness of the screen is going to be key too.

But beyond the screen, factors such as the processor, the motherboard or the connected peripherals come into play. The more powerful the processor, the higher the consumption will generally be. Especially it will consume more when it is running at full speed. Having a computer turned on to read documents or open the browser is not the same as playing a game that requires a lot of power or editing a video.

In short, as you can see there are differences between the consumption of a desktop computer and a laptop. If you want to buy a computer and what you are looking for is to save as much electricity as possible, a laptop is undoubtedly your solution.

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