A VPN What it does is act as an intermediary. You are going to connect to a server and not directly to a page or application. That is, if, for example, you are going to connect to RedesZone, before reaching the website, the connection will go through the VPN server. This hides the original IP address.
Illegal VPN in some countries
What you should know is that using a VPN is legal in most countries in the world. It is in Spain, as well as in the vast majority of European countries. However, in certain nations its use is restricted and that is where you can really have problems installing a program of this type.
The countries where you may have problems, are those where they apply, in one way or another, Internet censorship. For example, we can name Belarus, Iraq, Oman, North Korea or Turkmenistan. Others, such as Russia or China, have restrictions although they do not penalize the use of this type of software in the same way.
In China, using VPN is regulated and you can use those approved by the government. Basically, you use applications that send information to the government, that save logs, etc. If you use a completely private one, which does not send any type of data, then its use would not be allowed. Something similar happens in Russia, since since 2017 they eliminated the permitted use of VPNs not approved by the government. Now, in practice the truth is that in both countries the use of this software is widespread and they do not apply the law strictly.
In the case of traveling to United Arab Emirates, you should keep in mind that the penalties for using a VPN improperly are quite substantial. But what does it mean to use it improperly? You can use a VPN without problems, but not access pages or services that may be blocked. For example, in the United Arab Emirates you cannot make video calls through applications like WhatsApp. If you use a VPN for that, you would be committing a crime.
Other countries, such as Iran, India or Egypt, have similar laws. Basically, you can use a VPN in those countries, as long as you don’t use them to access pages or platforms that are blocked there.
Use guaranteed VPN
Beyond the legality of using VPN, which as we have explained is mostly legal throughout the world, it is important that you use applications that provide guarantees and prevent personal information from being leaked or that they can sell your data to third parties to obtain a profit. economic.
We recommend using reliable services, such as NordVPN or Surfshark. Always check that you are downloading it from official sources and look at comments and ratings from other people.
Therefore, as you can see, there are situations in which you may have legal problems when using a VPN. Basically, you have to take into account which country you are going to use it in and what the regulations are.