It is true that in recent times the cloud usage has grown considerably. However not as much as it could be and many users remain reticent. But what is the main reason for this? We are going to talk about it in this article, where we will give some keys to the study carried out by the cloud security company confluencewhich has analyzed the use of this type of service.
Security, the main barrier when using the cloud
According to the study carried out by Confluera, safety it is what most stops users from using the cloud. They do not trust that their data and information can really be safe. This is what is keeping many more businesses and organizations, as well as home users, from adopting the cloud for everyday use.
However, this same report shows that cloud usage has continued to grow and there has been no sign of slowing down. But yes, they assure that security is what stops it from growing even more. Users and organizations are concerned about using the cloud without having all the guarantee at a technical and human team level that they will be able to deal with cyber attacks and complications that may arise.
Confluera CEO John Morgan says organizations need to ensure they have the right people, processes, and tools in place to keep teams running smoothly in the cloud without sacrificing attention to security. This is what sometimes slows adoption by not having everything you need to really use the cloud with guarantees.
Using the cloud with user-level security
But, what can we do as users to use the cloud with total security? We are talking about the use of services such as Google Drive or Dropbox, as well as NAS servers. In all these cases we are going to host content that may be exposed if we do not take security measures that maintain protection.
Something essential is protect accounts correctly. For this we must use a good password, which is unique and secure. It must contain letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and other special symbols. All this randomly and never use words or digits that can relate to each other. But also, as an alternative method, it is convenient to activate two-step authentication in services such as Drive.
On the other hand, whenever you use the cloud you must take into account the importance of keep everything updated correctly. This means installing the latest versions of updates, both software and firmware, for the equipment you use. In this way we can correct possible vulnerabilities that appear and prevent a hacker from exploiting them.
Another essential issue is the common sense. You should always use official applications and avoid making mistakes that could put security at risk. For example, do not click on links that come to you by mail without really verifying who is behind it and if it can be a scam. Most attacks will require the victim to do something for it to run.