
This video shows, once again, that The Last of Us adaptation is perfect

The characters Sam and Ellie in a scene from The Last of Us for HBO Max

Since the first chapter of The Last of Us was released on HBO Max, the critics had no doubts: the adaptation It was just what gamers deserved and an interesting narrative-level proposal for those who didn’t even know the PlayStation title. As the episodes have passed, the feeling has remained, but just in case you have doubts about how the story is being brought to the small screen, here we have a new one. video in which the good work done in the last chapter of the series is evidenced again.

Attention: As you can imagine, this article and the video you will find contain spoilers. Do not read or hit play until you have seen 1×05 of The Last of Us.

Adapting a video game to TV and being victorious is not an easy task

When we heard that HBO was going to adapt The Last of Us (TLOU), the world stopped for a microsecond: things could go right… or completely wrong. Luckily, the most pessimistic were not (this time) right, and the streaming content platform has once again scored a big goal with this new TV series that brings together millions of people every week -it is already one of the most successful titles of the history of the service, which is said soon.

Ellie in a scene from The Last of Us for HBO Max

How have they managed to ensure that nothing goes wrong? Well, basically counting 100% on the creator of the video game, Neil Druckman, and bringing together a team eager to do it right (as well as some who are in love with history). The result, as we told you, we see weekly with some episodes that are in some cases exact copies of the TLOU scenes, both in setting and even in the dialogues, something that 1×05 has once again highlighted.

The scenes of the episode 1×05

Every week YouTube is filled with comparative videos in which fans show images of the game and how they have been replicated in the series of HBO. Episode number 5, released in the streaming catalog this past Saturday (in order not to share with the SuperBowl), has also been full of nods to the history of the developer Naughty Dog, with scenes practically the same as those that could be enjoyed in the game released in 2013.

As you can see, we have dialogues practically the same as when Henry says that he hasn’t heard Sam laugh in a long time or when he asks Ellie if an infected person still keeps his “soul” under that appearance – has anyone else just had their hearts broken again? not to mention scenes which are also traced as when Sam and Ellie play in an improvised goal or the moment in which Henry ends his brother’s life and then commits suicide. There is also a great job of characterization and visual effects with an infected Swollen image and likeness of how they imagined it to play on console.

These are just a few examples – you get a full rundown of the episodes and their similarities in the episode below. Be comfortable.

Did you remember these scenes from playing them in the video game? What do you think of the adaptation they are making of this great story on the small screen?

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