Three things you need to enjoy cloud gaming

Cloud gaming has become a very popular option, and it is understandable since thanks to this service we can enjoy next generation games on computers that do not even meet their minimum requirements.

It’s not magic, this is possible because the game actually runs on a server, and this sends the streaming signal to our computer using a client that must have been previously installed. The communication between the server and our team is done through our Internet connection.

All this implies that we do not have to meet the requirements of the game, but with those of the client that we have to install. Our Internet connection must also be within the minimum values ​​recommended by the service provider, otherwise we could end up having problems.

What do I need to play in the cloud?

We have already given you some keys in the introduction, but now we are going to review three of the most important points so that you do not have any doubts on this subject. However, if you have any unresolved questions after reading it, you can leave it in the comments and we will help you solve it.

First point: an acceptable Internet connection

It is not necessary that you have a broadband Internet connection capable of reaching infarct speeds, but it is essential that it reaches an acceptable level. For example, if you want to use GeForce Now you must have at least an Internet connection of 15 Mbps to play in 720p at 60 FPS. However, the ideal is to have a faster connection so that everything goes smoothly.

In case you use a higher mode, such as the one that allows you to enjoy 4K resolution and 60 FPS, it is essential that our connection reaches, at least, the 40Mbps. The requirements of other cloud gaming service providers are similar, so based on this information we can say that from 50 Mbps we would have a sufficient minimum to play with all the guarantees, since we would exceed the minimum levels and we would have enough margin.

As we can see, the game in the cloud does not require an ultra-fast connection, but it is essential that we exceed the established minimums, since otherwise we will end up having problems with image quality and performance, and the experience will not be good.

Second point: a reduced latency

Latency is the delay that occurs in two-way communications between the server and our computer. It is important because all the actions that we execute in the game must reach the server, and this will have to return to us later the “consequences” of those actions. If a high latency occurs, those communications will be delayed, and we will have what is popularly known as “lag”: our actions will be reflected late in the gameand the experience will be terribly bad.

For all these reasons, gaming in the cloud is more demanding with latency than with Internet connection speed, and we must be very careful in this regard, since if we do not maintain acceptable values, we will not be able to play well. The minimum can vary depending on each service, but in general the ideal is that the latency is maintained always below 80 milliseconds. When we exceed 100 milliseconds, a small delay in actions begins to be noticed, which may be acceptable, but not pleasant.

Third point: wired connection or Wi-Fi 5

to play in the cloud Ideally, you should have a wired Internet connection.. There is an explanation for this, and it is that these types of connections tend to be more stable and have lower latency, since they are not exposed to the classic problems of wireless connections, such as loss of performance due to distance and the effects of interference and obstacles in range and stability.

However, this does not mean that it is essential to use a cable to play in the cloud. With a Wi-Fi 5 connection we can enjoy a good experience also, as long as we stay within acceptable values ​​in terms of distance and signal quality.

Content offered by AVM FRIZ!

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