Top 5 Hematite Magnets: Healing Properties & Uses

Hematite is a crystal of iron oxide and a significant source of iron. It is a common component of rocks and soil and belongs to the trigonal crystal structure. Hematite magnet is available in a variety of colors, from black to gray and silver. It has more reddish-brown variations and is well-known for being a grounding stone with protective properties.

As you can see, understanding the world we live in can be gained simply from observing crystals.

Are you in search of the Hard Truth? Then your crystal is hematite. Deep-seated traumas can be drawn out with a hematite magnetic bracelet.

5 Best Hematite Magnets

1. Kidney Ore Hematite stone

A type of hematite known as “kidney ore” is so named because of how much it resembles kidneys in terms of size, reniform habit, and even color. It has a fibrous, mamillated shape, and the radial fibers at the ends produce softly undulating, curving metallic surfaces that are typically smooth and shiny.

2. Specularite Hematite Magnet

This wonderful small specimen of the specularite, black, crystallized type of hematite, is perfect for anyone searching for one of Northern England’s iconic species. Additionally, the name “Specular Hematite” is used. This outstanding illustration comes from the Florence mine near the Cumbrian town of Egremont. A large, brick-red plate of hematite is completely covered in highly glossy, metallic black platy crystals that are on average roughly 5 mm broad.

3. Iron Rose Hematite Magnet

The specimen has more than 10 well-formed, intergrown classic Iron Roses, many of which have faces that are more than 1.5 cm across. The many angles that the Iron Roses are oriented at cause a beautiful play of light on the crystal faces. A specimen with outstanding metallic luster that displays beautifully in a variety of situations.

4. Martite Hematite Stone

This magnificent miniature is made up of perfectly matched rows and columns of superbly crystallized hematite that has been undergone a pseudomorph after magnetite and been given the name Martite. The specimen is made up completely of perfectly oriented Hematite crystals with a striking dazzling specular luster that is metallic, steely greenish-blue dark grey.

5. Rainbow Hematite

An iron oxide mineral is called rainbow hematite. Rainbow hematite is created when hematite and goethite combine. Its surface is colorful and sparkly. Because of the aluminum phosphate particles, it appears iridescent. Master grounding and balance are symbolized by rainbow hematite.

Use of Hematite Magnets

Hematite is most effective when it comes into direct touch with your skin. Bracelets and necklace are frequently used in jewelry. This enables you to obtain the stone’s strength without being distracted. Another great technique to hold the stone near your body is with a hematite ring.

Hematite is a fantastic stone to utilize in your home’s feng shui to achieve equilibrium. It will be able to absorb negative energies and keep them away from you if you put them on an altar in the space where you study or work.

Healing Properties of Hematite Magnet

Hematite is abundant in healing qualities. It’s comparable to grabbing your shield and sword, placing your protective cloak over your shoulder, and going outside. Here are some hematite magnet benefits on human health:

Physical Healing Properties

One of the best stones for promoting healthy circulation in the body is hematite. This is a stone you must possess if you suffer from high blood pressure, blood clots, heavy periods, or any other type of blood flow-related health issue. It absorbs all the essential nutrients and detoxifies the body.

Mental Healing Properties

Hematite is constantly prepared to intervene and prevent you from turning into negative energy. Hematite is a fantastic investment for high empaths. It somehow triggers our innate need to survive and focuses on giving us the skills necessary to boost our courage, resolve, and confidence. Hematite is here to offer your self-esteem a substantial boost if you occasionally feel like you live life on the timid side.

For individuals who just need a good heady dose of grounding, hematite is a fantastic stone. This Hematite magnet benefits help you maintain your footing when it comes to powerful crystal healing for individuals who wish to feel secure, protected, and to keep themselves free from the burden of other people’s all-consuming energy.

Author: Amelia Croud
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